Wednesday, July 31, 2019

George Orwell’s “Politics and the English Language” Rhetorical Précis Essay

Goerge Orwell, in â€Å"Politics and the English Language†, demonstrates how to effectively express oneself with written language. To do so, Orwell states the â€Å"dos† and â€Å"don’ts† of effective writing. Because the rules for writing effectively are so complex, Orwell utilizes parallel structure to make the body structure of his essay more cohesive: â€Å"†¦ it has nothing to do with archaism†¦ it is especially concerned with the scrapping of†¦ It has nothing to do with correct grammar†¦ it is not concerned with†¦ Nor does it even imply†¦ though it does imply†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (Orwell). Orwell interlaces multiple parallel structures to give the body both unity and a back-and-forth feel that keeps the audience on their toes. If he had not done so, his arguments would have quickly become repetitive and monotonous. Although Orwell specifically states that â€Å"correct grammar and syntax†¦ are of no importance†, one can see that he has gone to great lengths to achieve an engaging effect through syntax. The back-and-forth action of the body paragraphs and his self-contradiction alludes to a rule he introduces later in the writing: â€Å"Break any of these rules sooner than say anything outright barbarous† (Orwell). He then goes on to break a number of his previously stated rules, some more blatantly than others: â€Å"†¦ send some worn-out and useless phrase†¦ into the dustbin† (Orwell). He also uses polysyllabic diction at some points, though he expressly states to â€Å"Never use a long word where a short one will do†. His contradiction of himself may at first leave some readers puzzled, but ultimately establishes the concept that a writer should not be afraid to break conventions to make a point.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Operations Decision Essay

This file of ECO 550 Assignment 2 Operations Decision consists of: 1. Briefly describe the details of the fictitious business that you created for this assignment. 2. Assess the current environmental scan factor. Determine the factors that will have the greatest impact on plant operations and management’s decision to continue or discontinue operations. 3. Evaluate the financial performance of the company using the information provided in the scenario. Consider all the drivers of performance, such as company profit or loss for both the short term and long term. Be sure to show the calculations that helped you reach your conclusions. 4. Recommend how the company can improve its profitability. Then develop a brief plan to implement the recommendations. 5. Assess the circumstances in which the company should discontinue operations. Provide a rationale with your response. Economics – General Economics Assignment 2 â€Å"Operations Decision† Assume you have been hired as a managing consultant by a company to offer some advice that will help it make a decision as to whether it should shut down completely or continue its operations. It currently uses 100 workers to produce 6,000 units of output per month (working 20 days / month). The daily wage (per worker) is $70, and the price of the firm’s output is $32. The cost of other variable inputs is $2,000 per day. You are told that the firm’s fixed cost is â€Å"high enough† so that the firm’s total costs exceed its total revenue. The marginal cost of the last unit is $30. (Ch 7 8 to solve)  This assignment allows you to determine the specific details about this fictitious company in order to conduct an environmental scan of this company.   Write a three to four (4-5) page paper in which you: Briefly describe the details of the fictitious business that you created for this assig†¦ Follow the link to get tutorial – When your classes begin, you have to get acquainted with your instructors. Make sure that you are aware of their office locations, hours of availability and how else to contact them. You must develop good relationships with your professors so that you will feel comfortable talking with them if you need help or an exception on a due date. Economics – General Economics Assignment 2 â€Å"Operations Decision† Assume you have been hired as a managing consultant by a company to offer some advice that will help it make a decision as to whether it should shut down completely or continue its operations. It currently uses 100 workers to produce 6,000 units of output per month (working 20 days / month). The daily wage (per worker) is $70, and the price of the firm’s output is $32. The cost of other variable inputs is $2,000 per day. You are told that the firm’s fixed cost is â€Å"high enough† so that the firm’s total costs exceed its total revenue. The marginal cost of the last unit is $30. (Ch 7 8 to solve)  This assignment allows you to determine the specific details about this fictitious company in order to conduct an environmental scan of this company.   Write a three to four (4-5) page paper in which you: Briefly describe the details of the fictitious business that you created for this assignment. Assess the current environmental scan factors that are relevant to the decision making process. Determine the factors that will have the greatest impact on plant operations and management’s decision to continue or discontinue operations. Provide a rationale for your  determination. Evaluate the financial performance of the company using the information provided in the scenario. Consider all the key drivers of performance, such as company profit or loss for both the short term and long term and how each factor influences managerial decisions. Be sure to show the calculations that helped you reach your conclusions. Recommend how the company can improve its profitability to deliver more value to its stakeholders. Then, develop a brief plan to implement the recommendations. Assess the circumstances in which the company should discontinue operations and how management should react when c onfronted with these circumstances. Provide a rationale with your response.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Does the rotation of auditors improve the quality of auditing Essay - 1

Does the rotation of auditors improve the quality of auditing - Essay Example Australia is collecting more empirical data on the subject to make a decision to make it mandatory or not. India recently envisaged that audit partner should be rotated compulsorily and there should be atleast 50% rotation of the audit team compulsorily. For listed companies, auditor rotation is made compulsory in Portugal on an explain or comply basis. Public companies in Slovenia are given a choice to choose either to rotate partner or audit firm rotation once in five years. Audit partner rotation instead of audit firm rotation is made mandatory by countries like Netherlands, Germany and UK. Administrators in Germany, US and UK are of the view that possible advantages of compulsory rotation of auditors do not overshadow its perils and costs. (Ewelt-Knauer, Gold & Pott 2012:5) The research study will analyse in detail whether the rotation of auditors improves the quality of auditing or not with available literature evidence on the subject. What is the problem? The main issue is whet her mandatory auditor rotation will result in enhancing the auditor’s independence or not and does the rotation of auditors improve the quality of auditing? How are you going to answer it? For answering the research question, this research essay will make use of secondary research evidence available on the subject like information available in the books, journals, previous empirical studies, etc. Coherent development of arguments: According to Lee Metcalf report, it was a great concern that big audit firms lacked independence, which has created doubt about their certification of financial data to public and investors. Further, long association of an auditor and a company may result in aligning with company’s management and hence, the independence of such an auditor has become really doubtful. Thus, Metcalf report recommended to the Congress of USA to introduce mandatory auditor rotation to minimise the corporate frauds. (PCAOB 2011:10). What is audit quality? Some stud y suggests that there is a direct association between audit quality and audit tenure. According to Simon & France (1988), long run audit tenures enhance the audit quality, mainly because of auditee-specific knowledge benefited by the auditors over the time. Daly, Hamilton and Strokes (2003) investigated whether audit partner rotation is linked with transformation in audit quality and found that a partner change or rotation is not poignantly linked with a change in the audit opinion released. Further, rotation of a partner does not result in more chances to issue a qualified audit report. Thus, this study report suggests either the rotation of the firm or a partner does not have required audit quality advantages that supporters vehemently argue. (Campbell & Houghton 2005:78). Vanstraelen (2000) found that long-term audit tenures resulted in high audit quality. Deis & Giroux (1992) found that long run audit tenure lessens the adherence with GAAS. Copley & Doucet (1993) found the audit tenure, and the audit firm association has a direct effect on audit quality. Knapp (1991) exposed that audit committee members observed that long audit tenure erodes audit report quality and their independence. Dopuch, King and

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Auditing theory and practice Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Auditing theory and practice - Essay Example The company follows (assumption) international accounting standards (IAS) and international financial reporting system (IFRS) for accounting and presenting its financial statements. In addition, since the company operates in UK, all the relevant UK laws and regulations are applicable for its operations, financial statements development and reporting along with disclosure requirements. The company is facing stiff competition in the perfect competition market in which it operates. This has caused the company to reduce its selling price in order to remain competitive in the marketplace. This cost cutting has adversely affected the sales revenue growth rate and hence, the profitability. This is a prominent business risk that the company has been unable to satisfactorily deal with; as a result, the company has to bear a loss in 2005. In addition, another glaring risk is the ownership structure of the firm and demise of the majority shareholder Mr. Kale. This might lead to power struggle in the company which ultimately results in loss of productivity and negative politics. Together these five areas can be used to gather insightful information about the company’s internal control environment and its effectiveness in preventing, detecting or mitigating risks to the company. The control environment refers to the overall organisation structure and values system. The commitment of top management is mandatory, and control environment study provides assurance about top management’s philosophy and operating styles. These are reflected in company’s policies, strategies and operating procedures. The auditor should conduct detailed interviews with top management and should study the company documentation to gather information about the control environment of the company; as top management is ultimately responsible for implementing and operating the corporate governance structure for the company. Studying the control environment with a view to identify management’s

Is the accessibility of free digital music downloads destroying the Essay

Is the accessibility of free digital music downloads destroying the recording industry - Essay Example The details of how free internet downloads affect the music industry will be examined in the subsequent part of the essay.2 Recording artists put a lot of time and effort to come up with products that gain appreciation from various audiences. It will only be considered fair if these same recording artists got a reward for their efforts. By downloading their music for free from the internet, recording artists are denied the chance of benefiting from their sweat.3 For recording artists who may not be well known or those trying to make a name for themselves in the industry, it becomes very difficult to offset all the payments and expenses that come with production of an album or even a song. They have to pay royalties to a host of parties involved in the process of recording songs, going on tour, purchase of equipment, hiring lawyers or paying up record Companies or any agents that were involved on the production process. Therefore all their investments end up going to other sources. It is a fact that most of the revenue generated in the recording industry is attributed to CD sales or album sales. The internet has caused a sharp reduction in these sales consequently making the artists who make a living from it suffer greatly.4 Free downloads also severely affect upcoming artists. This is because young artists are considered as a sort of investment.

Saturday, July 27, 2019

MPH503 - Infertility and Public Health Module 4 - SLP Essay

MPH503 - Infertility and Public Health Module 4 - SLP - Essay Example he objective to educate them about the common emotional and physical health issues faced by infertile couples and role of a caregiver in this situation. Below explains the method of assessment of the impact of the above workshop. The participants are given a question paper with 10 questions (combination of both multiple choice and open ended questions) to answer immediately before starting the programme. The questionnaire is consisted of the questions which help to identify the pre-exposure knowledge and the typical practice of the participants related to emotional and physical health issues of infertile individuals. The same questionnaire will be given to the same participants at the end of the workshop. Questions are given marks according to a scale and mean total scores of pre and post exposure questions will be statistically compared to find out possible significant improvement. Statistical significance indicates the efficiency of the workshop. This assessment helps to find out whether the things learned at the workshop effectively practiced by the participants at the institution and whether they really help to beneficiaries to overcome their problems. A random sample of 20 infertile individuals treated at the institution are selected. They are interviewed face to face to find answers to pre prepared questions. This will be done within a week before the workshop. The questions are carefully prepared to understand the current physical and psychological support received by the infertile individuals by primary caregivers and the effectiveness. Between one to two weeks after the workshop a random sample of 20 infertile individuals (not the same individuals selected for the first sample) is selected and face to face interview is scheduled to cover the answers to same questions about practice of the primary health care

Friday, July 26, 2019

Power of Sina Weibo Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Power of Sina Weibo - Essay Example The Sina Weibo case in China is just one example of how popular social media celebrities exert influence on their followers and how this can have detrimental impact on the government in terms of policy changes. Charles Xue more commonly known by his Sina Weibo screen name Xue Manzi confessed to having made mistakes pertaining to his online posts on the social network (Zhai 2013, n.pag.). Xue confessed to his crimes as a micro blogger on Sina Weibo where he presumably spread rumors (Custer 2013, n.pag.). A charge was filed against Xue along with other micro bloggers. However, Xue has set himself apart and is acting as an example to admit to his blogging crimes thereby helping the government to regulate the internet. At first, this might seem quite trivial however the impact of social networks on a country’s interest and government policies cannot be undermined. According to Shirky, the internet and social media is a place of varied players including citizens, activists, NGOs (N on Governmental Organizations), telecom companies, software houses, governments, and so on (2011, 1). The presence of various actors on the internet and social media has raised concerns regarding its ability to influence a particular country’s interests and government policies. ... However, his actions and confession sends out a completely opposite message to his millions of fans and followers and Xue now seems to be remorseful. He hopes to set an example by admitting his online crimes and helping the government to regulate the content on the internet. Much of the concern regarding the regulation of internet in particular social websites like Sina Weibo arises from the fact that pressure fuelled up by public opinion communicated over Weibo resulted in a change in government policy regarding air pollution. Also, the government was forced to start reporting the PM 2.5 levels in a timely manner (Custer 2013, n.pag.). Not only this, but public opinion regarding corrupt and inefficient government officials over Sina Weibo resulted in the removal of these officials from office. The spread of rumor online has caused the government to censor online content particularly on social websites like Sina Weibo. As of now, several posts and images have been removed and deleted from Sina Weibo website as a result of censorship (â€Å"China’s Memory Hole† 2013, n.pag.). Unlike the United States, the social media in China is highly decentralized which is why the responsibility of censorship falls under numerous internet service providers (King, Pan, and Roberts 2013, 1). Thus, the government has employed a method which fines or takes other actions against them is they fail to comply with the government requirements regarding censorship. This step, as King, Pan and Roberts explain, has been taken â€Å"to limit freedom of speech† and therefore restricts the expression of public opinion. The censorship efforts have been great even though China is not a top inhibitor of press freedom. Xue, who is considered to be a strong opinion leader

Thursday, July 25, 2019

The Twelve Steps of Alcoholics Anonymous Assignment

The Twelve Steps of Alcoholics Anonymous - Assignment Example As I entered the place, I found people sitting and standing randomly. I grabbed a chair near the window and saw people; some saying hello, some stopping, and some just keeping to themselves. The meeting commenced at the chairperson read the Preamble, and led the prayer. Different members read the brief literature of AA afterward. In this Step Meeting of 10 minutes, I sat and listened to the â€Å"steps†. My curiosity about the AA thing was increasing. The Chairperson declared the step that would be discussed. I was so surprised to see that the attendants of the meeting were unashamed apparently that I cannot really recall what step that was. After reading the step chapter from Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions, the attendants were asked if they had any previous experience related to the step and if any of them would take that as an opportunity to share it with others.   The most interesting part of the whole meeting was to watch others narrate their personal experiences and struggles with alcohol and drawing their relation with the step under discussion. People started talking during the meeting. They started off by telling their name and status as alcoholics to each other. One after another, every attendant stood up, said his name, narrated his story, received audience’s applauds and settled down. â€Å"In the simplest form, the AA program operates when a recovered alcoholic passes along the story of his or her own problem drinking, describes the sobriety he or she has found in AA and invites the newcomer to join the informal Fellowship† (, 2014).   Of all the different sorts of manifestations, I found that the most prominent causes of alcohol dependency were sociological and psychological.

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Should the length of time for prescription drug patents be reduced to Research Paper

Should the length of time for prescription drug patents be reduced to encourage the entry of generic drugs If not, what would - Research Paper Example Industrialized countries usually have a high price of pharmaceuticals, so generic pharmaceuticals are used most frequently. Sales of generic drugs in Canada, the US, the UK, and Denmark is more than 40% of the total pharmaceutical sales (King and Kanvos, 2002). Patients are more likely to choose generic drugs as long as they get reimbursed for newer patented drugs whereas their savings are spent in making choices among the generic drugs. However, generic drugs have been heavily criticized for their substandard manufacturing and poor quality. Apart from the fact that they are not rigorously tested, problem also relates to poor compliance of the manufacturers of generics with the practice guidelines. The cost of general drugs is typically lesser than the branded drugs by 30% to 60% (Lewek and Kardas, 2010). Patients on generic drugs have increased tendency to continue therapy compared to patients who take branded drugs. Generic drugs are spared the expensive clinical trials that are a prerequisite for branded drugs to be approved which makes the quality and safety of general drugs questionable. Some legal loopholes which delayed the approval of generic drugs have been closed by The Medicare Prescription Drug, Improvement, and Modernization Act of 2003 (FDA, 2011). This is evident from the fact that the act does not allow for more than a 30-month stay of generic approval when a generic company is sued by an innovator company with respect to patent issues. A stay is delay in the approval of the generic drug which happens when a patent infringement lawsuit is filed by a branded drug company. The purpose of this delay is to allow time to solve issues regarding the infringement of a drug patent by a generic company. The generic drug is not approved by the FDA during the stay. 30-month stays is the limit established in line with the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) recommendations (FDA,

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Internet strategy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Internet strategy - Essay Example However, not all companies use the internet to advertise or sell their products; some use many channels to market their products in a bid to reach a large base of consumers. This is where multichannel marketing comes in; as the name implies, it is the use of several channels to reach the consumer, through advertising and even selling the product. These channels include mobile phones, the internet, through marketing and social sites such as Facebook. Use of multichannel marketing enables the firm to reach consumers with diverse purchasing behaviors. This paper will study the marketing strategy of Pacific Sun Wear clothing firm, and analyze its strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. Moreover, the analysis of Pac-Sun’s competitors will be done in this paper. Pacific Sun Wear (Pac-Sun) is a clothing firm that designs, produces, and distributes its products over a range of channels. The firm also deals with footwear and accessories. The business is based in California, USA and its main consumers are the youth because the company produces clothing, accessories and footwear synonymous with the youth. Pac-Sun is a large company with over eight hundred stores in the whole of USA and even Puerto Rico. Although it is based in Anaheim, its main distribution center is in Kansas while the stores and its managers are located throughout the US. The company was established in 1984, and it boasts a workforce of over 10000 employees. The firm has incorporated mobile, the internet, and in-store terminals to reach and interact with its clientele. The firm has gone further to develop an iPhone application used for scanning QR codes. The firm uses these platforms to advertise and sell these products. Moreover, the feedback is used to design the outfits tha t interest its client base. This company thrives on internet marketing because its target consumers are also huge fans of

Monday, July 22, 2019

How terrorism affect our economy Essay Example for Free

How terrorism affect our economy Essay Terrorism and terrorist activates are never intended to target an economy directly, instead it is designed to scare people who, overwhelmed by there trepidation destroy there own economy. The pliant economy of United States was misjudged in contrast with the September 11 terrorist attacks. Despite an estimated $120 billion of damage and a great deal of anxiety, one year following the 9/11 attacks considerable recovery was recorded in U. S economy. A disagreement between the Economists world wide has been shaping up over the affects of terrorism on the economy of USA, many feel that because acts of terrorism are usually aimed towards small portions of the stock of capital of a country so effect on economic activity are not very large(Enders and Sandler 2006). On the other hand, consciences of terrorism on the economy under pragmatic estimation suggest large and long term affects (Terrorism and the World Economy 40). If we review the federal budgets between FY 1998 and FY 2001 $ 48. 3 billion where available in surplus. Attacks of September 11 originated a blow to the economy of Manhattan, but not to that of Boston or Chicago. Terrorism creates a pessimistic affect on industries like air travel, hotels and insurance at large, but if we review economys overall performance, investment and demand shifted to other industries-especially when Federal Reserve eased credit in order to calm post-Sept. 11 markets. The immediate and the fore most impact that originate due to terrorism is the development of Paranoia attitude towards the economy through restrictive air travel and raising uncertainty, economy is drifting into a phase of recession. U. S economy has been diminishing even further after U. S invasion in Afghanistan and Iraq. Another way terrorism affected our economy is the lift in oil price which proved to be an economic jolt over the American nation who is now linking this oil situation with the upcoming elections and political agenda of American presidential candidates. The most direct damage that terrorism brought to our financial system is the deficit of U. S. government budget, which was a record of 413 billion dollars in 2004. A slight drop of $198 billion in deficit is being predicted by CBO for FY 2009 which is expected to increase moderately by 2010. If we analyze the reports released by CBO we will realize the shocking increase in the expenditure of war on terrorism over the last few years, federal finances for the department of home land security, and ever mounting cost of government beneficial social sachems such as medical health care and social security has halted economical development. Economists are predicting an inevitable increase in red ink taxation; this is resulting in an increasing cost of housing and other basic amenities which is ultimately decreasing the consumption power of an American. (CBO) Terrorism creates a general sense of insecurity, this brings a huge expanse on U. S federal budget in shape of home land security dept, Congressional Budget Office (CBO) estimates that federal resources devoted to homeland security activities were a total of about $41 billion in 2004, roughly double the amount allocated to those activities before September 11, By 2007 Spending for the Department of Homeland Security increased by about 6 percent, to $42. 7 billion this money was required to further strengthen the borders and aviation security. General Seance of insecurity also slowed the pace of economic growth in 2007; economists strongly feel that it will slacken further in 2008. According to CBO, the consistent problems in the housing and financial markets and the high price of oil has curbed spending on household and businesses this is also ensuing decrease in the growth of GDP. Laws and policies developed to control terrorism has overwrought federal resources to a total of $2. 9 trillion for 2008, while the revenue will total $2.7 trillion, which will result in budget deficit of $219 billion, this situation will be worsening with the additional $30 billion required to sustain military activates in Iraq and Afghanistan. (CBO 10) As a consequence American nation is facing a decline in funds allocation for national health dept, education, and Environment protection, the 2007 financial budget favored spending on defense which brought an overall decline in resources allocated for developing U. S social welfare programs Another worrying line of attack in which terrorism is affecting U. S economy is the current decline of the U. S dollar. By 2007, an 8% decline was recorded in U. S dollars performance in index compared to its six largest trading partners. According to the predictions made by Stephen Malyon, (a currency strategist at Scotia Capital in Toronto) the current weakness in dollar should persist for the first two quarters of the current financial year, while a rise of $1. 55 in Euro against dollar was also anticipated by him. (Ellis 2008) Terrorism creates an anxiety in the midst of American people who quite frequently hear about terrorist threats and the on going war on terrorism, while a general sense of insecurity has detained the business community, and this has created a lack of confidence among the main stream investors. Terrorism has also put the burden of humongous expense that the nation had to face in shape of Dept of home land security, ever since Sept 11, while this dept controls almost all issues related to national security and U. S intelligence, an increase in the federal resources and funds devoted towards this department, and as a consequence every year a considerable decline is recorded in social benefits such as education and national health care. Other affects of terrorism on American economy at large are the red ink taxes, increase in oil cost and the decline in dollar value; all of this is contributing towards decreasing the purchase power of an average American. Economists worldwide agree that the negative aspects and the decline in U. S economy is the cost that USA is paying for the war on terrorism. More over a large number of political economical analyst feel that the issue of terrorism is being propagated by the American presidential candidates in there political agendas which is a major cause of nervousness among the nation. Many argue today about United States aggressive strategy to counter terrorism has been a mistake and think that a defensive strategy would have been a more appropriate choice in terms of the affects of terrorism on U. S economy. Work Cited; †¢ Enders Walter and Todd Sandler. The Political Economy of Terrorism. 1st ed. Cambridge, England: Cambridge University, 2006. †¢ Abadie, Gardeazabal. Terrorism and the World Economy. (2007): 40. †¢ Orszag, Peter R. United States, CBO. The Budget and Economic Outlook:Fiscal Years 2008-2017. Washington, DC: CBO, 2007. †¢ Ellis, David. Dollars slide. Its the economy, stupid (2008 )

Are Governments Controlling The Internet Essay Example for Free

Are Governments Controlling The Internet Essay Prior to the 21st century society greatest inventions were the automobile, the telephone, the airplane as a means of communication and transportation. Now individuals are blessed with the Internet. It is commonly regarded that the Internet is a manifesto of technology that allows human beings to interact with one another using networking services. The Internet has broken down the barriers and means of traditional communication. In cyberspace, people can talk with each other regardless of location. It can be defined as a â€Å"unique medium† with no geographical location but available to anyone (p. 21). It is not only used for communication but information searching, listings of products and services, advertising of large/small businesses, and much more. In essence, the Internet can be regarded as a separate entity from our own physical world – a digital utopia. The question being raised is, with the large scale of the internet, how is it maintained or even controlled? Jack Goldsmith and Tim Wu’s book Who Controls the Internet? Illusions of a Borderless World gives a perfect example of how the Internet is being directly (and indirectly) controlled by territorial government. As each section of the book is uncovered, it is clearly pointed out that national governments through control of local and global intermediaries and coercion exercise dominate control over the digital empire. The book is subdivided into three large sections. In the first section Wu and Goldsmith marks the impression to the readers that the Internet is in fact a â€Å"libertarian state† where users can freely express themselves. The authors argue at the commencement of the Internet there are no actual â€Å"rulers† or â€Å"governors† of the Internet rather it was the upheaval of a Digital American Revolution, that’s built on â€Å"language and reason and our fail in each other† (p. 22). The authors later indicate that it was open because it was willing to â€Å"accept almost any kind of computer or network†. Thus it is a society that is ruled by the humanity that resides within the Internet. â€Å"Humanity united might do better than our lousy systems of government, throw away the constructs of the nation-state, and live in some different but better way† (p. 7). Section two establishes that users from different geographical regions want their information presented in their local language. As the author pointed that language is one of the most important aspects on the internet. It gives the example that people in Brazil, Korea and France do not want English versions of Microsoft products but rather want a version they can fully understand (p. 50). As the next section unravels we start to notice how digital humanity needs rulers and starts to get involved how national governments are governing the borders of the internet. It proves that government uses coercion and local intermediaries to restrict and even block content that is on the internet. An example would be Nazi merchandise and hate sites appearing on French networks and even an incident in China where a 15 year old girl Liu Di was punished by the Chinese government when she was making an argument comparing the Chinese government and a prostitute. It also points out how controlling Governments can be a beneficial factor in regulating illegal activities such as file sharing and copyrighting. The final section of the book shows how the government aims to make the borders of the Internet a haven that protects its citizens from harm. This section explores the aspect of globalization and competing countries in controlling the Internet. Europe, U. S. and China all wishes to have a centralized power over the Internet. If two out of three countries that are in favour of online gambling while the one third is not, how can a borderless digital society solve this problem? The sections encourages decentralized governments to work together to adapt to people’s needs and respond in a more positive manner (p. 53). For the struggle of ultimate control lies within national governments – and a problem of clashing government interests and priorities can be a serious concern for the future of the Internet (p. 171). Wu and Goldsmith both agreed that this is the â€Å"beginning of a technological version of the cold war, with each side pushing its own vision of the Internet’s future† (p. 184). In order for the book to draw readers closer into fully understanding the Internet the authors must not only make a compelling argument but the style and construction of the book is also important. This essay will discuss four areas in which the book was successful or non-successful into helping readers understand the importance of national governments and their role on the Internet. The notable points in creating a compelling argument lie within the thesis, the method(s) of research, the evidence that supports the thesis and the overall evaluation/recommendation. The first point that’s important in this book is the thesis. The thesis is the main point the authors are trying to make throughout the entire book. In the book Who Controls the Internet Wu and Goldsmith stated their thesis in the conclusion rather than the introduction. Instead they decided to allure readers by telling a short story in the introduction to foreshadow readers into the overall point of the book. In my opinion the thesis of the book can found on page 180 where it reads â€Å"Beneath of fog of modern technology, we have seen the effects of coercive governmental force on local persons, firms and equipment† (p. 180). Ironically, this is not the thesis that users anticipated on hearing when they decide to read the book. On the back cover of the book it reads â€Å"a book about the fate of one idea – that the Internet might liberate us forever from government, borders and even our physical selves†. (Wu and Goldsmith) Wu and Goldsmith prompted readers with a general idea then throughout the book used examples and heated evidence to prove that idea wrong. It gives readers the perception that the Internet is in fact a challenge to governmental rule rather than the idealistic entity of freedom and liberty. The thesis was not always stated at the end of the book rather the author hinted their thesis throughout chapters to reinforce their main point along the way. For instance in chapter 5, Wu and Goldsmith talk about how local intermediaries are present and how government uses coercion to control these intermediaries, thus â€Å"ruling the internet† (p. 65). The authors stated that it would be extremely easy for individuals to â€Å"overlook how often governments control behavior not individually, but collectively, through intermediaries† (p. 68). The authors use the example of HavenCo to reinforce their thesis. In the book HavenCo was described as â€Å"the first place on earth where people are free to conduct business without someone looking over their shoulder† (p. 65). Shortly after, HavenCo became the object of negativity where porn and other offensive content were being hosted. Due to their business model they would not seek out cooperative intermediaries. However falling into a downward spiral, HavenCo became desperate so they looked towards national governments for assistance. However the government would not oblige since it was hosting offensive content and demanded that HavenCo remove the material. Of course, without this aspect â€Å"HavenCo was nothing†. And now without the support of powerful government officials and intermediaries HavenCo is now a â€Å"jumbled pile of network equipment, rotting and obsolete† (p. p. 84-85). The authors presents the readers with a clear and indirect thesis in each chapter, and as each chapter passes they are vividly trying to reinforce their thesis by providing real life evidence that happens in the midst of the digital society. Other notable examples that are highlighted in the book that supports the thesis would be the Chinese government sometimes with help from Yahoo, seize political dissidents and put them in prison (p. 181). Next, the government that are threatening Internet Service Providers (ISPs) and search engines and credit card companies with fines so that they can filter out offensive net communications. And, it is clear that Jon Postel and the Internet’s founders give up control over their creation under implied threats of governmental force. And finally, under the aspect of file sharing (where it was debated it would be hardest to control) governments have executed hidden but important ways to fuel coercion on the economy of file-sharing and â€Å"tilts the playing field to favour law-abiding companies like Apple† (p. 181). The authors have a very climatic way to communicate their thesis to the reader, By presenting support evidence and a strong conclusion they are in fact proving to readers that the government does control the internet. The next section uncovers the methodology that the authors used to present their topic. In order to prove their thesis they need an abundant amount of information. Not only does this information provide historical insight in the topic but it grants validity in the matter. In the book the authors have presented much needed evidence that governments control the internet, as each chapter is unraveled the readers are engulfed with powerful side stories of the lives of specific individuals that resided in the digital age. The book uses a combination of statistical information and encoded facts, personal biographies and appealing stories. If we direct our attention to the sources at the end of the book we notice that the authors use a hefty number of secondary sources. The only notable errors that are present in their methodology were that the sources they used were a little out of date. Old sources will lead to skewed results and that might cause a misinterpretation of the research. The book was written and published in 2006 but the majority of sources they used were within the 1998-2001 timeframe. Although they did use several sources that were recent (2005) it still does not change the fact that the Internet and technology are always changing in real time. With this change it’s rather hard to keep up and readers can be misinformed of with irrelevant information rather than significant information. Although with these slight flaws in the book, the methods were applied correctly in the sense that it is very easy to understand. They have broken the entire book into three parts; each part builds up information for that peak ending (or thesis). The methods were appropriate in the sense that the authors had a balance of evidence to support their claim. For example, the information gathered was not all focused on the government’s point of view but rather an equal split between government, organizations and individuals. It would be naive to think that a proper thesis can be proved without the support of evidence. Methodically the authors predominately still influence the readers with horror stories and statistics of government coercion on digital societies to prove their thesis. For example, the chapter on China outlines President Bill Clinton’s visit to the foreign land. Clinton observed that users required national ID cards before logging on. Regulated cafes also featured cameras pointed directly at the computer screen and police officers would occasionally monitor users right behind their back (p. 97). In China the Internet is far from being a liberating force but rather it is the major attraction for government surveillance. As previously mentioned Liu Di was arrested on personally insulting the government over the Internet, shortly after Liu Di’s story was printed in the press as a warming to all other civilians using the Internet. Throughout the book we see many stories that mimic the true horrors of the Internet, presented in a non-fictitious way to leaves readers shunned into believing the overall message of the book. Other factual occurrences that are displayed in Wu and Goldsmith’s methodology are the Kazaa/Napster case where digital piracy was at its initial state. Napster, a company located in the United States was battling with court officials to stay alive. With no luck, a simple U. S. ourt order was easily enforced and that led â€Å"to a total system collapse† (p. 108). Another factor that stands out with the evidence was that it’s very diverse in the geographical sense. The authors not only present their ideas from the American standpoint but tackles on other regions of the world. In the introduction the authors commences a deep discussion on global borders of the internet, the evidence and support was from a simply disgruntled individual that didn’t like seeing Nazi merc handise on the French site of Yahoo (p. p. 1-10). By using this intrinsic method of communicating the thesis they are successful in the sense of drawing readers. This chapter rather than supporting the thesis, they argue against it saying that the Internet â€Å"cannot be regulated†. Using factual data, they are offering both sides of the story in a very objective manner. This helps readers understand the thesis a little better and perhaps even raise serious questions on a political, global and technological standpoint. Who Controls the Internet is a very accurate portrayal of the digital society. It tells readers the important message that originally the Internet was designed to liberate individuals and it was designed to escape government and borders, but without the government mingling in affairs the Internet as we know it today wouldn’t flourish. One of the few appealing factors of this book is that it speaks out in a very clear and engaging style. Within each chapter the author conveniently uses sub-headings to divide important topics and that each chapter features several compelling stories. The two authors, who are both lawyers does an excellent job of communicating the legal issues to the readers without heavy use of legal jargon. Despite the many praises the book gets, it still has some flaws. In my opinion the flaws are contained within the unnecessary pictures and images that are included. Many (if not all) of the pictures are unneeded. For instance on page 4 it shows a rather large photo of the Palais de Justice, where the Yahoo case was litigated and similarly on page 66 shows a picture of Sealand where HavenCo was initiated. Although visualizations are nice they have no purpose in proving the thesis. How can a picture of Jon Postel who is described as â€Å"a rambling, ragged look, living in sandals, and a large, unkempt beard† help readers understand the dominate government forces on the Internet. In another part of the book Wu and Goldsmith dedicated half a page to Steve Jobs and as a background; shows a skull and sword insignia and was labeled â€Å"Piracy†. In retrospect the authors should have gotten rid of filler photography and replaced it with diagrams, which brings up the next flaw, the limited use of diagrams within the book. A diagram can help readers understand the point the author is trying to prove in either a passage or chapter. Back to the Steve Jobs example, if the authors showed using a diagram how Apple and national governments were combating internet piracy it would strengthen their thesis in proving that government controls most sides of the Internet. Or even a timeline that showed how government intervened with such programs such as Napster, Kazaa and then taking on Apple. This book appeals to a large audience of graduate, undergraduate students and professors teaching either politics or information technology. The benefits include that readers of this book can raise important questions and use these questions as the foundation for political debates. The content is not the only contributing factor in a well rounded book, Wu and Goldsmith does an excellent job in constructing the book that’s easily presentable to the reader. Even an individual with very little prior knowledge of the Internet can understand the book. Each term is defined when it is firstly introduced. Next, at the end on page 187 the authors implemented a â€Å"frequency used abbreviations† section and the definition in case the reader is having a hard time following due to the technological jargon. In conclusion, there are four areas that were used to critically analyze the book. They are the thesis, the methodology, the evidence used to construct the book and the personal evaluation. This book presents many important topics that relate to past, presents and futures of the technological era. It is telling a story where digital democracies suffer at the ends of coercive governments. It is not just powerful nations have the power to reshape the Internet’s architecture, more specifically it is the United States, China and Europe using their dominate power to reestablish their own version of the Internet.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Internal and External Analysis of Franchise

Internal and External Analysis of Franchise Penny Thomas, an Ivey graduate with the help of her daughter, who also is an Ivey graduate, decides to purchase a license to open a Marble Slab franchise in the Great Toronto Area. After paying her fees of $25,000 to the company, she starts thinking of her marketing plan for her grand opening that she has two weeks to hand to the Marble Slab head-quarters in Calgary . So she hired a marketing consultant (me) to help her. First, the corporate capabilities of the company had to be defined, financial capabilities, Marketing capabilities, Operational capabilities and the available human resources. After comprehensively studying the internal capabilities of the company, the external forces affecting the business are analyzed. The two external forces categories discussed in the report are the economical factors in the area, the social factors. Politically and technologically didnt have an effect on the business. After that, the direct and indirect competitions of Thomas were examined and t hen plans were made to compete with them. The direct competitions were Baskin Robins and Dairy Queen. The indirect competitions were McDonalds, Star Bucks, grocery and convenience stores. After carefully examining all these influential forces, a consumer analysis of the three best potential target markets were women, young adults and families was set up. And the target Market of Women was found most suitable for Thomass business because women are the primary caregivers, dominant shoppers in the community and they are more health conscious than males. Once the target market was chosen, a marketing 4Ps plan was constructed. Product wise, Marble Slab franchise had plenty of options to choose from, from milk shakes to ice cream cakes. But the primary product that Thomas should use while promoting the grand opening is the Childs size ice cream with one mixin because it is popular and it appeals to womens concerns because it is small and tasty. Then prices were determined for only caterin g, because Marble Slab is a franchise and it wasnt allowed for Thomas to change any of the prices. She only had power over the catering prices, so calculations of the breakeven points of the three different catering options were conducted and the best catering choice was the Sundae Bar option. After that, the location of the store was determined by studying each areas population and traffic. And the area that was chosen was the Toronto Annex area, although with a low population, it had a lot of foot traffic from students (almost half of students being female) and near a busy shopping street. Following the location of the business, different promotional options (billboards, radio, etc.) were examined and the most suitable, affordable combination of promotions for the grand opening were chosen. In conclusion, this marketing situation was studied comprehensively and the following results of the marketing report project that the grand opening is going to be successful along with the yea rs to come. The Marble Slab Creamery has been a well-known name in the market for ice cream since it first opened in Houston, Texas in 1983. Now Marble Slab has 400 branches worldwide in which, Penny Thomas had been blessed to be a part of when she purchased the right to open up a franchise in the Greater Toronto Area. Thomas is going to have a grand opening in May 2008 and needs a marketing plan to get approved by the headquarters in Calgary, Alberta about how she will handle the grand opening. The following marketing report breaks down the corporate abilities and the external analysis of Thomass company, also it discusses the consumer analysis and the competitive analysis. After deciding on the right target market, the report discusses Marble Slabs marketing plan which include product, price, promotion and placement. Corporate Capabilities: Marble Slab enjoys many financial abilities, being one of 400 franchises; Penny Thomas shares the same purchasing power of the franchisor. This is really helpful because Thomas would get a great deal of help from the Marble slab company by providing penny with connections that she can use to increase the store’s success and it would save her time now that she got all the connection and purchasing power she needs. Another ability and privilege that comes with a franchise is that the financial risk of any financial disaster is reduced and the consequences wouldnt be as severe because the store is backed up by a large well-established company that acts as a safety net for Penny Thomas’s store, which is helpful and the store can feel more secure. On the other hand, marketing budget was set at $10,000, which can cover all the costs of the grand opening adequately, which is good for the starting company because budget is tight for any new project and e fficiency is a key player in making the starting of this store follow more smoothly. Marketing capability wise, Penny Thomas enjoys Marble Slabs already existing prominent name, so the store isnt a new store that the target market must discover and learn about. Therefore, the franchisor made Thomas’s promotional task easier, and many existing Marble Slab customers will come to this location. As well, Marble Slab is already known for its high quality products that many customers around the 37 Ontario locations enjoy and crave. Thomas’s operational activities offer a great deal of mainly quality, freshly made ice-cream, with the option of letting the customer customize their purchases with a choice of toppings blended into their ice-cream flavour of choice, these choices include fruit pieces, candy and specialty nuts. These blends were made by a Marble Slab employee on a marble granite slab it also serves kosher, low-diet frozen yogurt, sundaes, floats, soft drinks and i ce-cream cakes. All these activate differentiate Marble slab from any competition giving them a competitive advantage that leads to more sales. Moving on to human resources, Thomas is blessed with the degree from Richard Ivey school of business, help of her daughter who also graduated from Ivey and valuable 25 years worth of experience working for the Hudson Bay company and she was familiar with her father’s past AW restaurant that he owned. This helps her greatly, because she knows what to expect and she is a very wise women in the field of business. She is also enjoying the expertise and network of the Marble Slab’s company, that helps her get started with the help of her network and make her avoid wrong decisions that were made in the past. Marble Slab’s employees must be well trained to handle all the machines and blending techniques so they can achieve the whole Marble slab’s experience that the customer expects. Employees are also highly hygienic be cause the work requires lots of hand work. External Analysis: The economy this year is going through a difficult recession in the United States. Which raises fears on how the Canadian economy will get affected later with the decline in Canadian exports and the commodity prices, only one wonders how the recession will hit Canada. But the consumer spending and the Canadian GDP are still growing. This instability raises fears for the business, maybe hurting it in the future because if the recession does hit, less consumers will be able to afford the quality of Marble Slab so sales will decline. Also because Marble Slab deals with dairy products, cocoa and sugar commodities, in which always fluctuate in price and never stable depending on supply and demand of the market. That may hurt or help the business because prices might fall to less than expected, increasing the marginal profit or increasing to more than expected, decreasing the marginal profit. Socially, Thomas’s business is expected to decline in winter months, bec ause of Canada’s long harsh winters, because less people get a craving for good ice cream in the winter months than in the summer. Ice cream is also became a popular snack within the people, with the average Canadian consuming 8.4 litters annually in 2007. Also, the companys good quality products give the store an advantage of having people to like to show off in a way Marble Slab’s ice cream while they are eating it with their friends. Also, there is growing health a trend growing that pushes people to look for healthier ways to snack such as frozen yogurt, in which Marble Slab’s serves their customers. Competitive Analysis: Marble Slabs direct competitions in the market are Baskin Robins and Dairy Queen. Baskin Robins always had a strong presence in the Canadian Market. They have their stores present in good locations with high traffic for customers convenience. They serve 31 original high quality flavours, with the same price range as Marble Slab. Baskin Robins also enjoys a fortune of resources and promotional power. Though Baskin Robins has all these features, they dont give their customers the option of customizing their purchase like Marble Slab does. Marble Slab can compete with them by keeping the prices in the same range while emphasizing to the target market the option for customers to customize their purchases. This way Marble Slab would have a competitive advantage over Baskin Robins. Baskin might respond to this by introducing the same option we offer or decreasing their prices. The other direct competition to Marble Slab is the world-wide restaurant of Dairy Queen, whi ch served the same category of products with the option of customized purchase to their customer as marble slab does, but Dairy queen also sells hot food items such as hotdogs, burgers and fries. On top of that, they targeted the family markets because they also offer friendly-kid options. Dairy Queen is present in high traffic areas such as malls. Marble Slap therefore, has to try to avoid competing with Dairy Queen by targeting a market other than families, and at the same time focus on the quality of Marble Slabs products and show customers that they may be paying more but the quality they are gaining is much more than Dairy Queen. Dairy Queen might respond to this by increasing the quality of their products and focusing on the hot foods that they serve and promote it more to attract more customers. For competitive positioning map (see Exhibit #1). In addition to Marble Slabs direct competition, Marble Slab has three indirect competition; McDonalds, Starbucks and Grocers and convenience stores. McDonalds is the worlds largest fast food chain restaurant. Other than hot foods, they offer soft-serve dessert items such as ice cream, milk shakes and the Mcflurry. McDonalds is present in high traffic areas and offers a drive thru for customers in a hurry. They have cheap prices that anyone can afford in Canada, but also serve low quality products. McDonalds may seem like tough competition but it is not because it serves limited options for its customers. Marble Slab should focus on their quality and the unique Marble Slab way of making their products and making it more accessible for customers by adding a drive thru option. McDonalds wouldnt respond because their main goals arent about frozen desserts, they care more about their hot foods. A second indirect competition to Marble Slab is Starbucks, which is a premium retailer of coffe e dessert and fresh food items. Starbucks gives its customer a cozy atmosphere and wireless internet. Like Marble Slab, it offers high quality products for premium prices. Marble Slab already serves better quality choices and options of ice cream which gives a competitive advantage to Marble Slab. Marble Slab can also compete with Starbucks by giving the same cozy atmosphere in the restaurant but also suitable for younger children. Starbucks will respond to this by introducing new drinks which will appeal to children. The third indirect competition is the mass produce ice cream companies that distribute to grocers and convenience stores. These products appeal to a lot of people because they vary in prices and they are really accessible for customers because they are sold in grocery or convenience stores. Problem with this is that they are not always fresh and full of ingredients that keep the product fresh which can be harmful to the customer. Marble Slab can compete with this by se lling their mixes and their ice creams at a number of grocery and convenience stores in the future. For competitive positioning map(see Exhibit #1). Consumer Analysis There are three target market options that will probably appeal to Marble Slab, families, young adults and women. Families with children under 15 years of age are the best potential customers. Children represent the bottom of the population pyramid, which means that they are more than any other target market. Families eat ice creams when they go out with their children and the children ask their parents to buy them ice cream to satisfy their sweet tooth. Families are willing to buy mostly on weekends at locations near parks while taking the kids out, and inside malls while shopping. The second target market are young adults that age from 15-24 years of age who have some or full independence, and can spend their disposable income on social interactions. Young adults find ice cream a popular after a long day at work or at school or just simply to chill out. Young adults are influenced to buy from Marbles by seeing famous people or their idles eat Marble slabs Ice crea m. Young Adults would purchase an ice cream from shopping centres while they are shopping or beside a high school or a college when they are on break or after class. As good as the young adults target market sounds, it is very competitive because there is already a lot of ice cream outlets targeting this group. Which leads to the last target market†¦ Women, which are the best target Market for Thomass Marble Slab creamery. Because women are the caregivers and dominant grocery shoppers in our society, they also do more shopping than men in general, and they are more health conscious, which is good for the stores low-fat snacks. Women are influenced to purchase from Marble Slab when seeing skinny models satisfying their taste buds by enjoying their tasty Marble Slab snack, while still keeping their bodies fit. Women are everywhere, they can purchase from shopping malls, streets, gyms, parks and colleges at any time of the day, any day of the week, but mostly weekends. And women s pend alot of time at malls so Marble Slab would be a great snack for them. 4Ps {Product} Marble Slab is a franchise that differentiates itself from other ice-cream outlets because it serves their customers high quality, top of the line products. With the option of customizing their purchases by choosing different flavour blends and mixins which included, fruit pieces, candies and specialty nuts. Mixins were blended by employees on a marble granite slab. Also Marble Slab offers Kosher for the Jewish customers and a wide variety of different milkshakes, frozen yogurt, sundaes, milkshakes, floats, ice cream cakes, soft drinks and newly added fat-free frozen yogurt. The product that Thomas should focus and promote the most is Childs size ice cream because it is fairly popular and it appeals to her target market which is women, because it is a small portion with less calories and very tasty. {Price} Marble Slab is a franchise; therefore it doesnt have any power of changing of prices.(For unit contributions of products see exhibit 3) It requires Thomas to sell 7764 units of Childs size ice cream to break even and start making a profit. (see exhibit 2). Childs size ice cream is the product that will be promoted with the promotion of the grand opening, because it appeals to womens needs; its small and tasty. But the company gave Thomas the flexibility of prices in catering. Thomas should choose the Sundae bar catering option because it gets the most profit selling less units to break even than the other options. Sundae Bar needs 57 customers to breakeven the costs while the Ice Cream social needs 59 customers to break even and start making a profit.(see exhibit 4) The portable Slab option is unaffordable because there is only $685 left from the $10,000 budget that was set for the promotion, and $2,500 are needed for additional equipment.(exhibit 5) Thomas should keep her pr ice at the average which is $6.95 per person because price wars may lead to bankruptcy and because she is located in a busy area beside a university and a shopping street. Therefore, will get a lot of catering offers because it is where a lot of students and women who are either shopping or hanging around or at university would probably come and party on birthdays and other occasions. {Placement} Thomas should open her Marble Slab restaurant in the Toronto Annex Area. Although it has a smaller population of any of the four options, The Annex area has a lot of traffic from the university that is there and it is very close to Bloor Street, which is a major shopping street. This location is the most appropriate for the Creamery because Thomass target market is women. And women are the primary shoppers in society and the university probably has a high percentage of females attending it. So this location is located in the heart of where many women walk for either shopping or going to class. The location will also help have a more successful grand opening because it is exposed to people who go thru that busy area. {Promotion}To effectively promote the new store for the grand opening, Thomas should spend $2,120 on two street level media unit, in the Toronto Annex area , because the street media would be exposed to the people shopping and in university, showing them that a light, low fat snack from Marble Slab would be delicious while shopping or after class. In addition, Thomas should purchase two 10Ãâ€"20 feet billboards costing $2950 that would be located in high traffic roads. These billboards and street media should show a visual image of the creaminess, lightness and taste of a super premium Ice cream, preferably a childs size ice cream with one mixin, because it is small in calories and it would be best to promote. The advertisement will have a beautiful athlete physically-fit model eating from it. That way it will appeal to the target markets taste buds and show that you can stay healthy and fit while still eating delicious food. Thomas should also spend $645 on a daytime radio commercial for 30 seconds and $650 on a radio commercial at breakfast time. Thomas should purchase those times because morning time is the most time that people tune in to listen to the radio while they are eating breakfast or driving to work. And the other commercia l at daytime is effective, because it is when most people are awake and thinking of things to eat to get on with their day. Both types of promotion should emphasize the good quality, freshness and low fat in Marble Slabs products. All this adds up to $9315, which is less than the budget of $10,000 with an excess of $685. (See Exhibit 5) Confidently, this report will satisfy Penny Thomass wants and needs. This report discussed in detail the corporate capabilities, consumer analysis, competition analysis and the external analysis of the franchise. And from studying all these factors, the most suitable product, location, price and promotion were chosen for the grand opening of this franchise within the budget of $10,000. In conclusion, this marketing plan was designed to boost the businesss success from the start of the grand opening and for the many years to come. Surely, the Marble Slabs headquarters will approve of this report and would be anxious to see the results when the grand opening is on May 2008.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Rebuttal Essay on Needed: A License to Drink -- Alcohol Drinking Essay

Rebuttal Essay on â€Å"Needed: A License to Drink† â€Å"Needed: A License to Drink† is an essay written by Mike Brake. In this essay, Brake explains why he thinks people need a license to drink. He has had family members die from alcohol related events and believes they might still be alive if a license was required to drink. Alcohol is related to many deaths and alcoholism is a disease that affects many people. â€Å"It causes more than 19,000 auto fatalities each year, it is responsible for more than a third of deaths from drowning and fire† (Brake135). Brake mentions that doctors have to report certain sexually transmitted diseases. He think they should have to report alcoholism as well. Also, licenses for hunting, guns, and driving are required, so Brake believes a license for drinking should also be required. Brake believes, â€Å"licensing would act as a screen—preventing a small percentage of the misery up-front† (136). If there was a way to carry out his plan successfully, I wo uld agree with his essay. However, it would be impossible to use Brake’s licensing plan and expect it to be successful. Brakes plan has flaws that have failed before. Doctors should not have to report alcoholism, and licenses would not prevent alcoholics from getting alcohol. Brake’s Plan First, people who want a license would have to study a written manual with facts about alcohol and the law (Brake 136). Next, they would have to be able to pass a written test. If someone gets in alcohol related trouble, the license would be taken away. If they do not have a license, they will have to receive treatment along with attending Alcoholics Anonymous (136). Problems with the Plan If everyone was willing to... ...etting it. Conclusion Doctors should not have to report alcoholism because it is different from other diseases. Also, licenses would not prevent people from drinking because underage people and those without a license would still have ways to acquire alcohol. Brake’s plan would be great if everyone was to abide by it, but unfortunately it would be almost undoubtedly impossible to create a plan like his and expect it to be successful. Works Cited â€Å"Alcohol Prohibition Was A Failure.† Cato Institute. 2004 Cato Institute. 15 April 2004 >. Brake, Mike. â€Å"Needed: A License to Drink† The Genre of Argument. Ed. Irene L. Clark. Boston: Thomson-Heinle, 1998. â€Å"Minors and Alcoholic Beverages.† State of Iowa Alcoholic Beverages Division. 2003 15 April 2004< >. Rebuttal Essay on Needed: A License to Drink -- Alcohol Drinking Essay Rebuttal Essay on â€Å"Needed: A License to Drink† â€Å"Needed: A License to Drink† is an essay written by Mike Brake. In this essay, Brake explains why he thinks people need a license to drink. He has had family members die from alcohol related events and believes they might still be alive if a license was required to drink. Alcohol is related to many deaths and alcoholism is a disease that affects many people. â€Å"It causes more than 19,000 auto fatalities each year, it is responsible for more than a third of deaths from drowning and fire† (Brake135). Brake mentions that doctors have to report certain sexually transmitted diseases. He think they should have to report alcoholism as well. Also, licenses for hunting, guns, and driving are required, so Brake believes a license for drinking should also be required. Brake believes, â€Å"licensing would act as a screen—preventing a small percentage of the misery up-front† (136). If there was a way to carry out his plan successfully, I wo uld agree with his essay. However, it would be impossible to use Brake’s licensing plan and expect it to be successful. Brakes plan has flaws that have failed before. Doctors should not have to report alcoholism, and licenses would not prevent alcoholics from getting alcohol. Brake’s Plan First, people who want a license would have to study a written manual with facts about alcohol and the law (Brake 136). Next, they would have to be able to pass a written test. If someone gets in alcohol related trouble, the license would be taken away. If they do not have a license, they will have to receive treatment along with attending Alcoholics Anonymous (136). Problems with the Plan If everyone was willing to... ...etting it. Conclusion Doctors should not have to report alcoholism because it is different from other diseases. Also, licenses would not prevent people from drinking because underage people and those without a license would still have ways to acquire alcohol. Brake’s plan would be great if everyone was to abide by it, but unfortunately it would be almost undoubtedly impossible to create a plan like his and expect it to be successful. Works Cited â€Å"Alcohol Prohibition Was A Failure.† Cato Institute. 2004 Cato Institute. 15 April 2004 >. Brake, Mike. â€Å"Needed: A License to Drink† The Genre of Argument. Ed. Irene L. Clark. Boston: Thomson-Heinle, 1998. â€Å"Minors and Alcoholic Beverages.† State of Iowa Alcoholic Beverages Division. 2003 15 April 2004< >.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Comparative analysis of the rise of religious extremism in Arab and Ind

Comparative analysis of the rise of religious extremism in Arab and Indian Politics The cases being discussed by the authors here are more significant than the discussion of any other Muslim or Hindu nation because of the fact that these cases discuss the role of these religions in their respective birthplaces. We can realize the importance of this point by considering, for example that the Islamic countries worldwide look towards the Arabic ulemas for validation of their Islamic policies and also each fatwa issued by the Arab ulemas is almost always followed by a similar action by their counterparts in other countries. Similarly, though Hinduism doesn’t have a transnational appeal like Islam, Hindus all over the world still regard India as the ‘holy land’. Thus the followers of both these religions tend to look towards these nations in the hour of crisis of faith. Interestingly, many of the causes for the rise of extremist Islam in Arabic politics and Hinduism in Indian politics appear to be similar. The states’ unwillingness to recognize the role of religion in the society, the growing influence of secularists which led to the displacement of the traditionalists form their positions of power, and the ability on the part of religious groups to create a successful network of social, educational, religious and charitable organizations across the nation are some of these causes. In fact, the last of these similarities is strikingly apparent in context of the rise of Society of Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt and the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh in India. However, there are some significant differences, as well, due to the inherently different nature of the society and culture in different countries. One of the major reasons for th... ...arate legal code for their community, was often perceived as ‘sticking together’. The Islamic precept of considering religion as superior to nationalism (Wataniyyah) and the oft repeated attitude of some Indian Muslims of not bowing before the national flag give rise to a bitterness between the two communities. In fact, such Koranic notions as dividing the world in two regions- Dar es Salaam (the house of peace, where Islam prevails) and Dar el Harb (the house of war, where Islam does not exist) - and proclaiming that there will be lasting peace on earth only when the whole world comes under Islam, are often behind the worldwide anti-Islamic view that we are witnessing in today’s world. Such circumstances, along with the promise to rebuild the Ram Janmabhoomi temple in Ayodhya, were fully exploited by the BJP to gain a significant political support and surge to power. Comparative analysis of the rise of religious extremism in Arab and Ind Comparative analysis of the rise of religious extremism in Arab and Indian Politics The cases being discussed by the authors here are more significant than the discussion of any other Muslim or Hindu nation because of the fact that these cases discuss the role of these religions in their respective birthplaces. We can realize the importance of this point by considering, for example that the Islamic countries worldwide look towards the Arabic ulemas for validation of their Islamic policies and also each fatwa issued by the Arab ulemas is almost always followed by a similar action by their counterparts in other countries. Similarly, though Hinduism doesn’t have a transnational appeal like Islam, Hindus all over the world still regard India as the ‘holy land’. Thus the followers of both these religions tend to look towards these nations in the hour of crisis of faith. Interestingly, many of the causes for the rise of extremist Islam in Arabic politics and Hinduism in Indian politics appear to be similar. The states’ unwillingness to recognize the role of religion in the society, the growing influence of secularists which led to the displacement of the traditionalists form their positions of power, and the ability on the part of religious groups to create a successful network of social, educational, religious and charitable organizations across the nation are some of these causes. In fact, the last of these similarities is strikingly apparent in context of the rise of Society of Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt and the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh in India. However, there are some significant differences, as well, due to the inherently different nature of the society and culture in different countries. One of the major reasons for th... ...arate legal code for their community, was often perceived as ‘sticking together’. The Islamic precept of considering religion as superior to nationalism (Wataniyyah) and the oft repeated attitude of some Indian Muslims of not bowing before the national flag give rise to a bitterness between the two communities. In fact, such Koranic notions as dividing the world in two regions- Dar es Salaam (the house of peace, where Islam prevails) and Dar el Harb (the house of war, where Islam does not exist) - and proclaiming that there will be lasting peace on earth only when the whole world comes under Islam, are often behind the worldwide anti-Islamic view that we are witnessing in today’s world. Such circumstances, along with the promise to rebuild the Ram Janmabhoomi temple in Ayodhya, were fully exploited by the BJP to gain a significant political support and surge to power.

Church Reform :: European Europe History

Church Reform The Reformation of European religion in the 16th century cannot be generally attributed to the secular spirit of the Italian Renaissance. Although the peasants saw bishops and abbots as part of a wealthy and oppressive ruling class and rebelled against the Roman Catholic Church for reasons primarily pertaining to the lavish adornments used by those aforementioned, their power was not great enough, nor did their reasons carry enough clout to start a reformation movement throughout Europe: that job was accomplished by those already having some, however small, social or religious power, such as the monk Martin Luther, the accomplished priest and lawyer Jean Cauvin, and King Henry VIII of England. The Lutheran and Calvinist Reformations were very similar in principle, although the Lutheran Reformation was less widespread. Luther and Calvin held that not mere abuses of the Roman Catholic Church needed correcting, but that the Catholic Church itself was wrong in principle. Luther's cause for reformation of 16th century European religion came from his unnatural paranoia that he was damned. He had problems convincing himself that his spirit was pure and that he would go to heaven; internal distress raged within him about the awful omnipotence of God, his own insignificant existence in comparison, and his apprehensiveness of the devil. His personal problems would not yield to the existing manners of assuring oneself that he/she was headed for heaven such as sacraments, alms, prayer attendance at Mass, and assorted "good works." Luther solved the problem, however, by believing that good works were the consequence and external evidence of an inner grace, but in no way the cause of th is grace. He felt that if one had faith in themselves, the religion, and God, then good works would manifest themselves because of it. This was Luther's doctrine of justification by faith. Luther was then involved in various events that provided for the spreading of Lutheranism, albeit sometimes indirectly. The agitation that Lutheranism was creating throughout Europe had revolutionary side effects where the reforming religious spirit was mistaken for that of a social and economic one, especially in Germany in the 1520s. A league of imperial knights, adopting Lutheranism, attacked their neighbors, the church-states of the Rhineland, hoping by annexations to enlarge their own meager territories. In 1524, the peasants of a large part of Germany revolted due to thoughts stirred up by preachers that took Luther's ideas a little too far: anyone could see for himself what was right.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

The Effect of Social Networking

The Effect of Social Networking (Facebook, Twitter, MySpace etc) For Children http://newstodaynews. com/the-effect-of-social-networking-facebook-twitter-myspace-etc-for-children/12286 Not a few teachers who are disappointed to see the students using the â€Å"chat language† as it is commonly used in social networking chat facilities, such as 2mor, msg, lol, and bk, while in English grammar lessons (English grammar).This study clearly indicates that students from various levels, from upper class to lower class, they spend more stout in social media This is a direct indication of their value on average poor and often failed to complete their homework on time. the quality of children’s homework is deteriorate because they hurry to finish. http://networkconference. netstudies. rg/2010/04/a-social-society-the-positive-effects-of-communicating-through-social-networking-sites/ By communicating online, it allows people to see past physical differences and focus on a deeper conn ection, discovering similarities that may have been previously disregarded. By forming groups of people with similar interests (particularly if the interest or hobby is not mainstream), social networking sites can create a sense of unity and belonging in people who might have previously felt alienated in society because of an inability to relate to local people.Many people form support groups through social networking sites to discover and communicate with others who have similar problems or health issues. With online social networking reducing difficulties with limited mobility, time and distance barriers and unacceptance due to stereotyping, people therefore have more access to support and the ability to improve communication with others despite illness or disability.Many educational institutions encourage learning via the Internet and social networking sites because it allows an easy communication channel for students to learn and share skills. Students enjoy educational opportun ities where lesson topics, research, creative ideas, and interactive discussions are at their fingertips Through online social networking, companies are better able to advertise to specific markets or discover, monitor and engage with loyal brand advocates. Conversely, they can also â€Å"discover disgruntled customers and realise their concerns

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Quality Check Point

aft(prenominal) public lecture to some neighbors and friends, my husband decided to procure a civil wrong 235 MPH blower. The client service representative talked him into purchase the drawn- turn out warranty service as well. later on analyzing, the product decided to give it a rating from wizard to ten on the following specs Quiet and healthy 8 The civil wrong blower is more powerful than most handheld gas-powered blowers be. The Tort is quieter and clean- running, it does not pollute the environment. Variable accele pose motor 9 The variable speeds argon a great feature because you jakes blow near lanes without damaging them broken in cost 9 With a cost of gas the electric Tort has seemed to be the right choice at the time. jackanapes 7 -we have a darling size yard so the cargo seems to be an advantage but afterwardswardwards using the unit the straps were quiet ill at ease(predicate). corduroy limited to 150 feet -2 this product is object for s mall yards, one of the features no one option to let us love before we purchase this blower.The cords as well set forth tangle genuinely advantageously around bushes and rocks having to frequently stop to unornamented it. Vacuum bag awkward. 3 -the vacuity tube attachment is quite massive and with the bag over your shoulder is actually uncomfortable. The vacuum rules clog up real easy with mischievous leaves and it gets to be a burden because we have to take it by to unclog it. Extended Warranty Service- 1 The motor burned out on this unit Just 2 months after we purchase it.Trying to get a stick out of a live person seems to be a challenge we either get an automated service saying that we are calling after hours, to leave a message or to call during calling hours. If we called during business hours, we either were put on hold for a long erred and after that, we got someone on the line that could only speak English, a total disappointment. After reviewing all the pros and cons of the Tort blower, I would rate this product at a five dollar bill because even If plant life great on dry leaves It Jams very easily with wet leaves.It Is very uncomfortable to use for a long uttermost due to the cord- acquire tangle up easily around bushes and the vacuum attachment are as well long making It Is very uncomfortable. References Consumerists. Org retrieved from Google on December 7, 2010. Management Challenges for Tomorrows Leaders (5th deed. ) P. S. Lewis, S. H. Goodman. M. Faint, and J. F. Michelson Thomson South-Western, 2007 Mason, OH seemed to be the right choice at the time. light 7 we have a right-hand(a) size motor burned out on this unit Just two months after we purchase it. Trying to get total disappointment. After reviewing all the pros and cons of the Tort blower, I would rate this product at a five because even if works great on dry leaves it Jams very easily with wet leaves. It is very uncomfortable to use for a long period due to the cord- making it is very uncomfortable. J. F. masochistic Thomson South-Western, 2007 Mason, OH

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Child and adolescent health Essay

Child and adolescent health Essay

Even though the objective is that the exact same counselling other children and teens is frequently different from counselling adults.Moreover, another missing factor in the western society is emphasis on prevention since mostly they concentrate on moist curing or treatment than prevention, yet prevention is cost effective (Merrick, 2014).The good health problems faced by the adolescents impact their good health and wellness in several ways in how their lifetime. An adolescent who uses tobacco, has unhealthy eating behavior, uses alcohol logical and other drugs, has inadequate exercise or engages in sexual certain behaviors that may result to sexually transmitted infections’ and unwanted early pregnancy may negatively impact their lives (Hall & Braverman, 2014). Some of the negative effects of the health problems faced by the adolescents which may negative impact their health and wellness include lung cancer, obesity or underweight, high blood pressure, logical and even co ntracting the incurable HIV virus or being early mothers.A kid with a mental health issue armed might not be in a position to articulate preventing their requirements and emotions along with a child start with good mental wellbeing, and thus they might be disruptive and few more argumentative.Prevention-lastly, the nurse should ask the teenager whether they want to be pregnant logical and discuss the future and current contraceptives (Hall & Braverman, 2014).In conclusion, psychological and environmental factors are the two other most important factors that influence adolescent’s developments. Focused attention on the infectious diseases experienced by the adolescents and emphasis on prevention is lacking in the western society. Moreover, there are several health social problems adolescents face that impact their good health and wellness in several ways in preventing their lifetime.

Young people and children what are able to need help.(2014). Hot topics in young adolescent health. man, P. K.Speak to doctor elementary school counselor, or your parents if youre a little kid or teen.My parents wanted another opinion.

Adolescence is a stage in life thats full of conflict but second one thats filled with chances to be a due much better person.As a result, they frequently find out new strategies by forming audience or a little clique, to adapt.Adolescents who undergo a job might have to learn the essential prerequisites for that work jointly with abilities deeds that enable them to finish it.Family therapy is a substantial important part of our therapy.

Individual treatment provides a opportunity to learn new skills all to you.Mental Health is an important important issue for people.Emotional health is a substantial part of general good health for children in addition to adults.Our public services are offered with every one of the services focusing on distinct various aspects of the wellness and illness continuum.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Ideals and Values for 12th Century Medieval Aristocrats

Chrtien de Troyes Lancelot The aphorismhorse of the Cart, told a twaddle of a the dependable vogue sawbuck. It has the air, to us, of fable. It was of double-dealing as both furys of the cartridge clip, accomplished distinguish and approve, predominate the story. These cults were secernate of a mold of chivalric dark ideals and values. at bottom this set, the cults had adjuvant nonions of hospitality, adjurations, service of process, and war machine prowess. imposing ma poof fill in pushed the bol angiotensin converting enzymey into conception when Lancelot stepped onto the embroil and sound outly jockey pushed the rehearsal to expiration with the finale of Meleagant at the pass on of Lancelot. Lancelot nonplus into bring nearance these carryions. Lancelots discern for tycoon Gui neere destined him to respectable displays of his fealty to her.Chrtiens yarn began with Meleagants display at mogul Arthurs beg at Camelot. He advised mogul Arthur that magnate,If you pack a whiz sawbuckIn this d altogethery of yours you washbowl trustTo narrow your magnate to the woods,Where Ill be going a bureau when Im unblemishedHere, thus Ill agreeTo allow him get to those pris whiznessrsIve got in my dungeons, providedHe pile buck me in difference of opinion,It macrocosm unders excessivelydThat self-importance-denial of your sissy is the prizeFor victory. (lines 69-80).Those at coquette did non straighta personal manner re cover the decrease of the pantywaist. She was g unrivaled. Chrtien presently link up how a gentle (Lancelot) jumped into a coerce driven by a dominate. Those having attached sorry or mournful acts diligent such(prenominal)(prenominal)(prenominal) a crowd in those days. Lancelot seeed the pushcart since the overtop promised to subsequent(prenominal) spread abroad the where nearlys of the queer. Chrtian renowned and the buckFollowed on behindFor several(prenomina l) steps, non climbingRight up. unless his hesitant confuseWas wrong. (360-364).This clutch on the part of Lancelot came bear to coddle his efforts when he had gotten the wash up of the baron from her captor. She express and so? Didnt the cartShame you the least critical eccentric?You moldiness(prenominal)(prenominal) go hesitated,For you lingered a slap-up dickens steps.And that, you see, was my sole occasion for ignoring your presence. (4491-4496).This rigidness characterized the cult of laurels as exemplified by Lancelots acts. If an part of mention came ab a path, because the sawhorse must perform in the weighty way. tho in that respect were levels of celebrate as when Meleagant, depict as a unmerciful doughty soft touch, t decisioner to a higher(prenominal) respect of battling Lancelot at King Arthurs tap in a classs pri countersign term and concord to go through contend at an anterior time (3886-3895).Chrtien saw that applaud in se rvice to bang ignore greenness finger and reason. Reason did non overwhelm in its terra firma the works of the pith. cope had its way. For get alongs com valet de chambreds, unconstipated up rape endured. recently in reflection, Lancelot had no denial once against delight. He did al star stymy himself. An reverse challenged Lancelot triple quantify originally product a stream. The opposite word smitten Lancelot with Lancelot quieten in admires command. The resistance had below the whack smitten him. Lancelot wanted to retaliate this affright of his reverie (891-893). later on-school(prenominal) air castle he was in a equitable ample way tho his superstar and l bingle(prenominal) tit he entrusted to few star else such that he was constrain in a excess direction (1231-1248). He nominate the faggots comb. It had strands of her blur and he was enraptured mournful them a century thousandTimes, smooching with his eves,His lips, his for ehead, his stri poufness.And all of it brings him happiness,Fills him with the richest ravishHe presses it into his breast,Slips it surrounded by his shirtAnd his heart luff more(prenominal) than than a wagon-Load of emeralds or diamonds, (1470-1478). later, in traversing the make bridge, the weather vane rail so as to maim him precisely the execrable was fresh since roll in the hay defy him on and palliate his finish offend (3115-3122). unflurried later a overwrought Lancelot, thin great power that the sprite is dead, move to bolt down himself by abatement himself from his commove by path of his belt (4264-4268).Honor had its large(p)est demands do upon it by jazz just it spanned in addition troops legal action for which the bucks were everlastingly prep bed. In this preparation, a benevolent hospitality aided them that nearlyly include horses (284-289), beds (458-463), and food. For the commencement both, they had a choice. The tart of a dramaturgy offered Lancelot the provide and the mistress of the put up (938-949).Thus prepared, their soldiery courage was a pledge, an bane, which they must uphold. A buck could be in the storage area of some other(prenominal) cavalry and non charge flop so the fleck gymnastic horse asked to kick extinct the stolon horse cavalry. whence the scrap knight could ascertain his force equipment and they could wherefore rubbish in the approve mood (839-852). The more respect gained in charge, the better. come with a damoiselle confused an dumb bane and was a in rectitude serious line of work since the knight was consequently responsible for(p) for her.A contend knight could assault her with impunity if a repugn knight discomfited the escorting knight (1304-1322). tenderness could be apt(p) for the al approximately to be vanquished merely this normally entailed an cuss be taken. The cardinal who allow lenity redeemed this oath to their benefit. If matchless had an oath to run away out, thusly could non do it, on that point could be shame of a great holding when a nonher(prenominal) knight did the form of address (4013-4019). ennobles sometimes abide byed a pledge, for honors sake, even though it seemed non in the better(p) interests of near of those baffling as when Kay want to earn the faery keep comp some(prenominal) him into the woodland where a knight wait The king was upset, scarcely his wordHad been entrustn, and he could non come up it,No reckon how smoldering and sorrowfulIt do him (which was slowly to see).The queen, similarly, was deeplyDis delightful, and the entirely palaceDenounced Kays vanity and presumptionIn reservation such a demand. (179-186).Again, it could be a interlockingr who would not abide the passage of arms if pledge by his dame to cease. and whence the other knight must not force a continuation then and on that point by contact lens the se nsation who no drawn-out lifts a weapon. Meleagant, for example, struck Lancelot. The Queen had pass on Lancelot to pointedness armed combatThe king came geological period number downFrom the towboat, to stop him. StraightTo the bailiwick of troth he went,Speaking these run-in to his sonWhats this? You conceive of its fineTo go on fighting, afterHes stop? You act analogous a raging (3824-3831).The truth of the case is that Lancelot tho appeared to give up. In truth he was doing what his dame had pass on of him. Later her captors give tongue to she was finesse virtually bloodied sheets (4788-4798). This was a most un sayable charge and so combat was called for. sanctum relics came out and, on their knees, the parties gnarled did swear. accuracy in other matters was another absorption of the aristocrats that Chrtien wrote about. at that abode were standards of truth against which the knights and others could gradation their conduct. To look final stage in ignorance was the action of a bell ringer. A spud too was one who does not truly basal oneself. A scatter never befogged his folly. Those nobles, not fools, did not pauperization to research applause to heighten their plant and self extolment did not growing ones esteem. The delirium of a fool had no restoreWho do you withdraw believes you? give tongue to the king. all in all these peopleCan attest for themselves whats trueAnd False. We turn in youre lying. (3841-3844).Far from the fool was the man as caramel brown who was unceasingly manageable and fain did his caramel browns mastery in defraud order. He knew very much about love and include in this familiarity was that honor make for love entailed no shame. Should something greatly go amiss, he would not fear remnant. remainder in demand(p) those who were cowardly of it (4283-4284).Before closing in that respect were overtops. Lancelot encountered two gnomes in the tale. neither one was up to a ny good. The first, depict as a Low-born and smutty eclipse (353) did lead Lancelot astray. The dwarf lie as to a trim backe the Queens whereabouts but did incline Lancelot to enter the cart. The other dwarf encountered Lancelot on Lancelots get along to the water supply bridge. The dwarf promised to take Lancelot to a excess place (5081-5084). This dwarf besides lied.No one verbalize anything about what happened to the dwarfs. Presumably, they standard a qualified flock for their uncomely behavior. possibly death frame them soon decent without their heads. It seemed that decapitation was the surefire way to gibe that the one on their way out did indeed depart. Lancelot did employment with an competitor and after having vanquished him, a charwoman wants the reverses head. Lancelot obliges unity unload of the sword, the headWas off, and it and the bodyFell to the ground. And the girlWas euphoric.(2927-2930).The brainless one wronged her. Lancelot had al coi ffe showed benevolence to the opposing. and then again the opponent had pleaded for mercy. thence too the opponent had been most spirited with Lancelot. So the import of this battle was the damozel was pleased and the opponent wooly his head.Another beheading occurred at the end of the tale. Meleagant reflected on how it was that Lancelot had make his way to Camelot. Meleagant had popular opinion he had locked Lancelot in a tower from which thither could be no escape. He know that he was a victim of trickery. He was ready for something worsened than great shame and necrosis (6967-6969). In his battle with Lancelot he preoccupied his right arm. He tangle mischievously since he then could not resonate Lancelot. so he was impish in the face by Lancelot. threesome teeth are tough in his mouth. His state fierce him to the uttermost he could not speak and so did not prove mercy. Lancelot cut off his head. It was finished And let me assure you, no oneWho was there, honoring the battle,Felt the slightest pity.The king and his courtiers and ladiesWere sensibly bound for delight (7099-7103). workings CitedChrtien de Troyes. Lancelot The Knight of the Cart. Trans. Burton Raffel. spick-and-span harbour & capital of the United Kingdom Yale University press ,1997.