Friday, November 29, 2019

Difference between English and Japanese dialects

Introduction Modern literatures have defined language in several ways. All those definitions are right as long as their main or central focus is communication. Language is therefore a purely human method of communication that is free of instincts. It is through language that human beings can communicate ideas, emotions, and desires by way of a system of voluntarily produced symbols (Syal, P. Jindal, D. 4). Different people in the world speak different languages. One of the reasons is because of geographical factors and difference in culture.Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on Difference between English and Japanese dialects specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Japanese people speak Japanese language simply because the language developed in that particular region of the earth. On the other hand, English is spoken mainly in the US, Great Britain, Australia and the commonwealth countries simply because the langua ge first developed in England and later spread to their colonies by virtue of their great colonial influence. This paper discusses issues related to language differences and the accompanying difficulties that non native speakers find it hard to pronounce some words in a language that is not their mother tongue. In particular, the Japanese find it hard to pronounce English words due to a number of reasons. Historical background The Japanese language, also known as Nihon-go, is spoken by over 125 million people who live in the island state of Japan. In its indigenous form, the language is known as either Nihon or Nippon. This language took shape in the early part of the 20th century based on the dialect spoken in some parts of Tokyo, the capital city of Japan. At present, this common language is used for educational purposes and mass communication. The language is actually understood throughout the country. However, other distinct regional dialects are used for daily purposes. There a re four major dialects in the whole of Japan (Iwasaki, S. 1). These dialects are the Eastern, Western, Kyushu, and Ryukyu dialects. The eastern dialect includes a population of 12 million people of the Tokyo dialect. This dialect is found from the eastern to the north eastern parts of the largest island of Honshu and the northernmost island of Hokkaido. The Western dialect group which includes Kyoto and Osaka dialects, is found in the west and south west of Honshu, and also in Shikoku. The Kyushu dialect group is found in the southernmost island of Kyushu. The Ryuku dialect group is found in the Okinawan Archipelago extending off the Kyushu Island to the east of Taiwan between the East China Sea and the Philippine Sea. The dialect contains many older forms of the language, but the number of speakers of the original Ryuku dialect is gradually diminishing among the over 1,200,000 inhabitants. The island of Hokkaido is also inhabited by another dialect called Ainu. This language is how ever not affiliated with the Japanese language. It is important to note that the language is almost getting extinct with only a handful of remaining speakers.Advertising Looking for research paper on linguistics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More There are several facts that prevent a conclusive determination of the Altaic origin of the Japanese language. These facts include the phonological simplicity of Japanese compared to other Altaic languages. Japanese language is characterized by simple phonological systems. It can also be described as a language with an Altaic superstratum and elements of an Austronesian substratum. This language can also be described as an amalgam with the Altaic and Austronesian stocks that are equally mixed. It is important to note that archeological evidence indicate that Japan was inhabited by people of the Jomon culture between 7500 to 300 B.C.E., though there are some indications that there were s ome pre Jomoan inhabitants before this period. The Jomoan language is believed to be some type of Austronesian language which is likely to have provided the substratum of the Japanese language. The background of the Japanese language cannot be complete without some explanations of the Yamata Kingdom which appeared in the present day Nara region of central Japan. This kingdom took control of Japan. From this time on, the cultural influence that Japan received from the Yamato, a Chinese Kingdom cannot be overemphasized. The adoption of the Chinese characters into the Japanese language was especially important because it chartered the future course for the written tradition in Japan. Thus, the language uses both phonetic and semantic values whose origin is Chinese (Iwasaki, S. 3). Methodology It is actually justifiable to venture outside linguistic materials and use anthropometric, archeological, and ethnological approaches to Japanese cultural history, not to solve the problem of lang uage relationship but to suggest fruitful lines of comparison. This paper therefore reviews literature from linguistic sources and non linguistic sources. Taking into account that the historical background of the Japanese language cannot be complete without including some aspects of archeology and the other subjects mentioned in the preceding sentences of this paragraph. It is therefore clear from the data that there are some indications of somatic variation along a cline running from northeastern to southwestern Japan. This paper also discusses issues related to the ways in which English language differs from the Japanese language in several grammatical aspects. The main sources used in this study are published literature and some internet sources.Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on Difference between English and Japanese dialects specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Data analysis The data gained from this st udy can be analyzed in order to come up with a short but comprehensive review of the sources of the data. Taking into consideration that books and internet sources were used, a short summary will compile this data in order to make it easier for the audience to comprehend the various aspects and discussions covered in this edition. For starters, the Japanese language is composed of various forms of phonetics in its phonology. The huge difference between the Japanese language and English language is the main factor that affects the Japanese people so that they do not pronounce English words correctly. From the information gained in the literature, it can be deduced that the Japanese language is such that no sharp distinction exists between singular and plural. There is no distinction between masculine, neuter, and feminine, there are no articles, postpositions are used and the distinction between nouns and the stems of adjectives is unclear. In addition, there are no comparative or su perlatives of adjectives, the basic forma of verbs are used as nouns and imperatives of verbs, and there is also no expression in the passive form. The Japanese language does not have relative pronouns. The adjectives and adverbs come before nouns and verbs. Last but not least, an interrogative sentence is formed by placing an interrogative word at the end (Smith, R. Beardsley, R. 19). The above paragraph actually shows how the Japanese language differs from English. It is also worth noting that the phonology of this language is simply the biggest contributing factor that makes it hard for Japanese people to pronounce some English words. The various dialects also contribute to this issue. Phonetics and phonology of Japanese Most societies which have developed or adopted a writing system have shown some degree of interest in pronunciation or phonological analysis. While spoken language is typically unconscious, writing is far less so, for the product remains before us for inspection and reconsideration (Clark et al.398). Therefore, the existence of a written form of expression not only invites reflection on the relationship between speech and writing but also creates a distance between speakers and their language that encourages them to treat language as an object of analysis. Symbols are also used in many languages which also includes the Japanese. For instance, the Japanese Hiragana syllabary has in principle distinct symbol for each syllable of the language. Various Semitic writing systems either omit the vowels or write them above or below the preceding consonant.Advertising Looking for research paper on linguistics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More There are so many examples of Japanese phonetics as evident in the phonology of the Japanese language. The language is full of syllables that are moraic nasals, laminal, voiced as well as voiceless stops. There are also some fricatives, apical post alveolar flaps and the compressed velars. The above characteristics are mainly consonant based. Vowels are actually pronounced as mophthongs. This is different from English yet some of the vowels such as /u/ are pronounced as their Spanish counterparts. The vowels of Japanese language have a phonemic length that is distinctly short or very long. It is also important to note that all vowels in this language are treated as occurring at the same time with that of mora. For this reason, those vowels that are phonetically long are actually treated as a series of two similar short vowels. The language also permits long series of phonetic vowels. These vowels however do not intervene consonants. Only that the pitch accent breaks assist in tracki ng the time especially in identical vowels. Difficulties Languages differ in the ways in which consonants and vowels sounds can be grouped into syllables in words. English language tolerates several consonants before and after single vowels. For instance, the word ‘strength’ has three consonant sounds before and three after a single vowel sound. In Japanese, the ratio of consonant and vowel sounds in syllables and in words is much more even. Speakers of such language find it difficult to pronounce these kinds of English words. To an Englishman, such words are natural, that is, they are within the sounds and sound sequences whose mastery is acquired in early childhood as part of ones mother tongue (Kharbe, A. 75). Since English is often the second or third language in the Japanese context, pronunciation of these words is not natural. This causes them to have some aspects of non native pronunciation of English which comes about as a result of the non native users of the E nglish language carrying the intonations from their first language into the English language. Japanese speakers may also carry phonological processes and pronunciation rules into the English language. For these reasons, they may not be able to pronounce English words properly due to the influence of their first language. There is also a difference between the Japanese language and English language. In Japanese, high vowels are voiceless between or, in final position, following a voiceless obstruent (Lodge, K. 62). This is also one of the reasons that cause the Japanese people to have some difficulties in pronunciation of certain English words which may contain such kinds of vowels. Connections between the two languages In a crude sense, the grammatical structures of Japanese and English can be regarded as polar opposites. This is because of the dramatic differences in participant orientations to turn to construction and projection in the respective languages. Specifically in contras t to English grammar which massively enables early projectability of the social action which might occupy a turn, the grammatical structure of Japanese permits the incremental transformation of a turn-in-progress, and overwhelmingly results in a later arrival of the point at which the emerging shape of a turn can be known. It is worth noting that the particular delay in the Japanese language is compensated by a potentially greater degree of certitude. The certitudes enable participants to localize turn-endings through the use of devices which mark possible transition-relevance places. From the above paragraph, one can comfortably state that there are ways in which grammar has a critical bearing on turn-taking in general and turn projection in particular. In this scenario, turn-taking is a good example in which the differences and/or similarities between the two languages can be established. The syntactic English structure is an important resource that participants draw on to project a probable shape of an emerging turn often well before the turn comes to a possible completion. The normative organization of the syntax also allows the projection of possible transition-relevance places. Transition relevance places are those places where a turn is likely to come to an end. Thus, the immediate relation between grammar and turn taking in English is partly played out in the ways syntax has consequences for the projectability properties of turns. In Japanese however, less is known about the implications of cross-linguistic variations in grammar for turn taking operations. Some Japanese literatures suggest that there are numerous differences between the grammatical structures of English and Japanese. A good example of this situation is discrepant ‘standard’ word order of the two languages. In this situation, there is a striking contrast in the use of prepositions in English as opposed to post positional particles in Japanese (Tanaka, H. 104). Differences b etween Japanese and English language There are a number of differences between the Japanese and English languages. Japanese language requires special attention in some particular areas especially when one is translating from English to Japanese or vice versa. The internal organization of a written text can be very different in Japanese and English. English is particularly linear, because its individual sentences move a central idea forward one step at a time. It is common to find Japanese writers who have not been influenced by Western notions of writing adopting a spiral approach, thereby repeating what has already been said as they gradually converge on their target. This can only result in an extended paragraph with only one full stop and numerous commas in the sentences. It is thus imperative for the translator to try and grasp the target of the information given, organize the paragraph into segments of suitable length, eliminate redundant portions, and render what is left into English (Sofer, M. 57). Japanese and English do not operate in the same way. In Japanese, the verb comes at the end of the sentence while in English, the verb is normally at the center of the sentence. For this reason, one has to jump back and forth to pick up the subjects and the verb, and reorganize the whole thing when translating Japanese into English. The Japanese language also disregards plural forms for definite and indefinite articles, and for verb tenses, all of which are often ignored and have to be figured out from the context (Sofer, M. 57). It is worth noting that despite all these difficulties, more than a few westerners have managed to pursue an effective career as translators of this particular language pair. Conclusion The link which language users as folk etymologists make as when they refer to the bottom of a mountain as the foot of a mountain is actually based upon a conceived similarity between the structure of the human body and a mountain. This is just one of the reasons why languages differ with geographical locations. Modern literatures have defined language in several ways. All those definitions are right as long as their main or central focus is communication. Language is therefore a purely human method of communication that is free of instincts. The Japanese language, also known as Nihon-go, is spoken by over 125 million people who live in the island state of Japan. In its indigenous form, the language is known as either Nihon or Nippon. There are four major dialects in the whole of Japan. These dialects are the Eastern, Western, Kyushu, and Ryukyu dialects. In a crude sense, the grammatical structures of Japanese and English can be regarded as polar opposites. This is because of the dramatic differences in participant orientations to turn to construction and projection in the respective languages. Mother tongue influence is a major factor that contributes to the difficulties experienced by the Japanese when they pronounce English w ords. Works Cited Clark John et al. An Introduction to Phonetics and Phonology. Blackwell Publishing, Oxford, 2007. Dirven, Rene. Cognitive Exploration of Language and Linguistics. John Benjamin Publishing Company, Amsterdam, 2004. Iwasaki, Shoichi. Japanese. John Benjamin Publishing Company, Amsterdam, 2002 Lodge, Ken. A Critical Introduction to Phonetics. Continuum International Publishing Group, London, 2009. Kharbe, Ambreen. English Language and Literary Criticism. Discovery Publishing House PVT. Ltd, New Delhi. Smith, Robert Beardsley, Richard. Japanese Culture: Its Development and Characteristics. Routledge, London, 2004. Sofer, Morry. The Translator’s Handbook. Ed. 6. Schreiber Publishing, Rockville, 2006. Syal, Pushpinder Jindal, D.V. An Introduction to Linguistics: Language, Grammar and Semantics. Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi, 2007. Tanaka, Hiroko. Turn-Taking in Japanese Conversation: A Study in Grammar and Interaction. John Benjamin, Amsterdam, 1999. 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Monday, November 25, 2019

Princess Alexandria Victoria essays

Princess Alexandria Victoria essays Princess Alexandria Victoria was born on May 24,1819 to the duke and duchess of Kent. Unfortunately the duke passed away shortly after her birth. Therefore victories upbringing was left in the hands of her mother, who had her own interest in mind. Victorias uncle died and she took over the thrown at the legal age of eighteen. On June 20,1837 Lord Chamberland told Victoria of her uncles death. ( At the time Victoria and her mother were living at Kenningston palace. Victoria Knew that a great responsibility had fell into her hands and she had a lot to learn. Queen Victorias first Prime Minister Lord Melbourne educated her in politics and Government. (World book). Victoria was later crowned in Westminster Abbey on June 28, 1839 (St. John Neville p.7) Soon after Victoria was crowned Queen she married her cousin Prince Albert of saxe-coburg-gotha, The agreements took place on Febuary10.1890 at the chapel royal, St.James place. (St John Neville. P.17) Victorias reign of sixty three years and seven months was the longest reign of any British monarch. ( St.John NervilleP.7) Not only did the population have a 50% increase but the local government also became mainly democratic. Not only did Queen victories family love her but the people of her kingdom loved her too. Great explorers name a city, lake, and desert after the Queen to show their appreciation of her wonderful term as Queen. Victoria became the empress of India in 1876 she ruled the largest empire the world had known. (St. John. P 17). Several years pasted by and Victoria was completely devastated by Albert death, which occurred on December 14, 1861. Queen Victoria was so heart broken by her husbands death that she stayed out of the social atmosphere unless she had to go out for a special occasion. When the Queen Did make an appearance into the public eye they could tell that...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Quantum Dynamics of Ion Traps for quantum computing Research Paper

Quantum Dynamics of Ion Traps for quantum computing - Research Paper Example The opportunity of incorporation of an advantageous new feature into data synthesis, namely, the ability to carry out rational calculations upon quantum superposition of numbers is facilitated by the quantum mechanical nature of such systems. Therefore this means that in any normal digital computer for every data register is, during the course of whichever computation, constantly in a definite state that is 0 or 1; nevertheless in a quantum computer if this kind of device can be established, for every data register or what is sometimes referred to as qubit will go into an uncertain quantum superposition of two different states, 0 and 1. Deductions and mathematical operations would at that point be done applying external interactions with the different two-level networks that make up the device, applying a method that will facilitate the realization of the conditional gate processes consisting of a number of various qubits. The conclusive results can be acquired by quantifying the qua ntum mechanical probability amplitudes at the end of the arithmetical calculations. Most of the new interest in hands on quantum computing has been sparked by the founding of a quantum algorithm that facilitates the obtaining of the prime factors of huge complex digits fast and more effectively and of a procedure of coding that, given procedures on the qubits can be carried out within a specified degree of precision threshold, will facilitate reliable calculation of illogically complex quantum computations irrespective of operational error. Up to this juncture the most trusted hardware for the operation of this kind of a device is the cold-trapped system device. It comprises of a system of ions that are accommodated in a linear radiofrequency trap and air-conditioned regularly so that their movement, that is usually joined together due to the fact that there exists a certain force known as Coulomb force amongst them, is naturally quantum mechanical. Each of the qubits would be made from dual internal levels of every one of the ion, the quantum mechanical possibility scales of the state manipulations would be carried out by a laser, realization of the provisional dual-qubit logic gates by application of the de-excitation or excitation of the collective motion of the ions’ quanta. For the choice of internal levels of ions there consist only two contradicting options: first, both of the states may be the sublevels of the states or more accurately the motivated metastable state and the ground state of the ion and second , the two states may be ground state sub levels that are almost completely debased. In the initial case , one laser application would be sufficient enough to carry out the needed operations: however in the following case a single laser would not be sufficient and hence there has to be introduction of a second laser in order for the carrying out of Raman transitions amongst the states, by use of a third level. Application of either of these m ethods has its own pros: the initial method which is sometimes called the â€Å"single photon† system, has the more profound advantage of theoretical and practical straightforwardness; the second scheme that is sometimes referred to as â€Å"Raman Scheme†, brings forth the advantages of a considerably low rate for unprompted

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Discussion and Respond Dissertation Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Discussion and Respond - Dissertation Example The company which I work for uses John Adair’s model of Action Centered Leadership. This model motivates the team as a whole to perform their task and achieve targets. This model encourages the achievement of goals as the only aim for the team and further enhances individual and team performance by creating new opportunities as they achieve their targets appropriately. Teams are formed and directed towards a goal as per their performance and individualistic performance is weighed against what is expected of individuals in their capacity as a part of the team. Herzberg’s theory or the motivation-hygiene theory is based on two factors which increase satisfaction of employees at the workplace on one hand and reduce the chances of dissatisfaction on the other. These factors motivate the employees to work and continue their relationship with the organization. This theory can be applied to my personal and recent experience with a local firm which is an owner managed small siz e corporation. The company provides challenging work, motivational incentives like bonuses and proper performance appraisals which provide a positive encouragement to all of us in continuing our jobs with full devotion and efficiency. The incentives both financial and non-financial act as a force which encourages us to perform better than our past and the challenging tasks and targets enable us to work harder.

Monday, November 18, 2019

Write an essay arguing that Emily Grierson relationshi with her father

Write an arguing that Emily Grierson relationshi with her father contributed to her tragedy - Essay Example The description of Emily’s father was presented in paragraph 25 as a â€Å"spraddled silhouette in the foreground, his back to her and clutching a horsewhip† (Faulkner 25; cited in Kennedy and Gioia). Likewise, as noted, none of the young men were deemed good enough for Emily and that the townsfolk â€Å"remembered all the young men her father had driven away† (Faulkner 28). In addition, there was emphasis noted to the fact that â€Å"the Griersons held themselves a little too high for what they really were† (Faulkner 25). Due to the extreme sheltered existence given to Emily and the prevention of her father to find a suitable man as her husband, Emily remained isolated all her life. By the time her father died, there could actually be some manifestations of mental illness or insanity as it was revealed that Emily refused to admit her father’s death. When the townswomen came to offer their condolences, it was revealed that â€Å"Miss Emily met them at the door, dressed as usual and with no trace of grief on her face. She told them that her father was not dead. She did that for three days, with the ministers calling on her, and the doctors, trying to persuade her to let them dispose of the body. Just as they were about to resort to law and force, she broke down, and they buried her father quickly† (Faulkner 27). The length of time spent totally dependent on her father could have instigated the innate fear of being left alone and therefore, Emily could not accept the fact that this fear was in fact a reality. Alone and afraid in the house with nothing left to support or sustain her daily living, Emily’s life succumbed to depression and anxiety . When a potential lover in the person of Homer Barron came to her life, the hope of having someone to spend her life with was just what she needed. However, as the story unfolded, it was revealed that Homer Barron, who the townsfolk

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Why Do Financial Markets And Financial Intermediaries Exist Finance Essay

Why Do Financial Markets And Financial Intermediaries Exist Finance Essay As a branch of economics, finance has its own research method, and mainly studies financial sector in a national economy. Content of finance can be summarised as currency issue and return; deposit absorb and withdraw; loan disburse and collection; gold, silver and foreign exchange trading; securities issue and transfer; insurance; trusts; domestic and international monetary settlement and other economic activities. (John, G. Edward, S. 1960) In short, finance is the activity about funds allocation. The place which people engaged in financial activities and funds to flow in was called financial marketing. Although it is not perfect, it relate to a broad area and range of economics. Finance can be divided into two forms, which are direct finance and indirect finance. The difference between these two forms is that whether financial intermediaries get involved. Financial intermediaries are people or institutions which play the roles of intermediary are people or institutions which play the roles of intermediary or bridge between capital supplier and borrower in financial markets. However, to analysis and explain what is the role of financial market and financial intermediaries and why exist, are the main purpose of this essay. Main body 1. What is financial market. Financial markets are the markets where capital providers and capital demanders transaction through the credit instruments. Broadly speaking, financial markets are the markets can achieve monetary loans and funds allocate, deal with trading of a variety of instruments and securities. More complete definition of the financial markets is: financial markets are organisations which can trading financial assets and determine the prices of financial assets. 2. The introduction to financial market. The component of financial markets are very complicated, it is a large system which was composed of many different markets. Whereas, generally based on the trading tools period in financial markets, financial markets can be divided in money market and capital market. Money markets are the places that for trading short-term debt securities and capital markets are the places that for trading medium or long-term securities. Financial markets also can be classified according to several different features they present: 1) Type of asset traded. There are two kind of financial securities deal by financial markets, one is bonds which issued by government, banks or corporations and another one is equity shares which by government or any kind of public company. 2) The means of settlement include cash market and forward market. Cash market, the place for people to decide of price and settlement all take place today. Forward market, for people to agree price on today, and settlement takes place sometime in the future. 3) The obligation to exchange. The buyers have to pay the price which been settled before for asset on the particular date in the future market. The buyers have right to decided whether to buy asset on the date and at the price agreed in the past. 4) The organisational structure of the market. By this way, financial markets can be divided into regulated markets and over the counter market. In regul ated markets, the buyer and seller of each transaction have to enter a contract in exchange such as clearing house; the contract is represented by the clearing house. In an over the counter market, there is no clearing house and dealers just trade between themselves. 5) The method of sale or pricing. Account to this feature, financial market can be classified into market makers and dealers market. 6) The nature of transaction. In accordance with whether the assets traded are newly issued or already issued, financial market be plotted out in two parts, primary market and secondary market. Primary market is the issue of new securities market and secondary market is already issued, in circulation in the securities trading market. Financial markets have direct and significant impact in all aspects of economic activities. Such as individual wealth, enterprise management, and the efficiency of economic operation are all directly dependent on the activities of financial market. 3. What is financial intermediation. Financial intermediaries are the units of economy that absorb money from economic agents with a surplus fund and transfer it to economic agents with a deficit and provide various kinds of financial services. The main functions of financial intermediaries are credit creation, settlement of payment, the distribution of resources, information provided and risk management. 4. The introduction to financial intermediaries. As the medium of capital supplier and capital requester during the process of financial intermediary in the financial market. It has been divided into two parts by John Gurley and Edward Shaw. (1960) They are monetary system and non-monetary intermediaries. As the role of intermediary, monetary system ¿Ã‚ ½Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½s main function is purchase primary securities and the creation of money. Non-monetary intermediaries perform only the purchase primary securities and the creation of monetary claims on their intermediary role. This kind of claim is about the form of savings deposit, shares, common stock and other form of funds. There are five main categories of financial intermediaries, deposit institutions, insurance companies, mutual funds or unit trusts, investment companies or investment trusts and pension funds. These five main categories of financial intermediaries carry out the intermediation function according to different methods. 1) Deposit institutions which with the main types like commercial banks, savings institutions and building societies, can take deposits from units in economic agents with a surplus fund and lend the money gathered to economic agents in deficit. 2) Insurance companies are non-deposit institutions which can gathering funds from insurance applicant and invest them in the capital markets. 3) Mutual funds in US or Unit trusts in UK are non-deposit financial institutions; they invest in the equity and bond markets use the money that get by rising from the public. 4) Investment companies in US and investment trusts in US are publicly quoted firms that invest in financial securit ies. They put the funds from individual investors together and invest them amount a number of securities or other assets. 5) Pension funds. A pension fund is an asset pool that employees put their money in during the non-working years when employees retired. Funds always gathered by employers and handed over to pension funds. In the modern market economy, financial activities were closely with the economic operation. However, almost all the financial activities treat financial intermediaries as the center. That is why financial intermediaries play an important role in economic activities. 5. Why financial markets and financial intermediaries exist. Both financial markets and financial intermediaries can facilitate the transfer of funds from surplus to deficit units. The reason why borrowers and lenders have a need for financial markets is that financial marks have two functions, pricing function and discipline function. Financial markets can provide both buyers and sellers a fair evaluation of the assets they are buying or selling. Pricing function can avoid traders been deceived into trading or investing. Financial markets are controlled by it can help financial markets to stop issuers of securities (borrowers) doing the activities which been considered that harmful to the value of their assets. Although financial markets such securities are bought and sold, it sometimes cannot guarantee that to transfer enough capital from lenders to borrowers. Because of two clearly barriers can be identified to the direct finance process. First one is difficulty and expense of matching the complex needs of individual lenders and borrows. Second one is the financial need of lenders and borrowers are complete incompatible. Lenders require to have minimisation of risk and costs, maximisation of returns and translate financial claim into cash with the value more than or equals to capital value itself. Whereas borrowers hope the cost of funds at a particular for a period of time can be lowest. In order to deal with these problems, financial markets need financial intermediaries exist. Size transformation, maturity transformation, risk transformation, liquidity provision, costs reduction and provision of a payments system are six main functions that can help financial intermediaries to be as a bridge links borrowers and lenders easier. The explanation of those six functions will be displayed below. A) Transform the size. Because amount of the deposit which saved by depositor a small than amount of loans required by borrowers. It will be difficult for lenders to pool their money together. However, financial intermediaries can collect small amount of money and put them together to lend to people who need large amount of money. B) Maturity transformation. Most depositors prefer putting their money in short-term for safety, but borrowers generally need long-term loans for their business. Financial intermediaries can satisfy both savers and lenders by working capital. C) Risk tr ansformation. Financial intermediaries would like to take the risks if can be offered some compensation. It ensures the implementation of many risky (but profitable) projects. Because savers not willing to take great risk when they investing money but borrowers choose to borrow money when doing risk projects. D) Liquidity provision. Cash have liquidity because of saving or withdraw by depositors; it is not safe for lenders to hold highly illiquid assets to finance borrowers if financial intermediaries are not exist. E) Costs reduction. Financial intermediaries broaden the choice of the transaction side of trading, increase transaction rate under a given terms of transaction costs. It not only reduces the cost of time spent on the road, but also reduces the contingency transaction and waiting time cost in some extent. Thus, greatly reduce the transaction cost of unit. F) Provision of a payments system. Financial intermediaries provide a payments system for some non-cash payment such as cheques, debit cards and so on. Hans Wijkander (1992) thought that the main reason why financial intermediaries exist is a result of asymmetric information and expensive information products. (Hans 1992) The first category of information asymmetric is compare to other investors entrepreneurs have the information advantage of their investment, and other investors have to spend some resources for access to information. Another type of asymmetric information is about the profit which already gets by investment project. Entrepreneurs can as well as other investors have to spend time and money in order to know it. Information production on technically have professional features. It makes some individuals may become agents of other investors, is product information and obtain benefit. Therefore, this arrangement have some problem which is how can investors ensure that their agents have done their best to pass on their information. When these agents become financial intermediaries, the problem of asymmetric information ca n be solved. Financial intermediaries can gather money from public investors and invest. Under this contract structure, ethical issues have been solved. (Hans, 1992) In a word, financial markets as an important part of unified market system, can offer securities are bought and sold, and use financial intermediation to achieve the goal of transfer money from economic agents with an extra fund to economic agents with a deficit. In carrying out this function, financial intermediates can help to improve the level of investment and savings. From the lending perspective, financial intermediaries engaged in investment or primary securities investment business, its unit cost can be much lower than most of individual investor ¿Ã‚ ½Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½s investment. Only in respect of its asset size, can greatly reduce risk through diversification. Financial intermediaries have a large number of depositors which can guarantee normal payment requirement. Because of the importance of scale economy, assets and liabilities of financial intermediaries are highly specialized. These specializations not only improve their competitiveness, but also help increase their chance of survival. Information economists and transaction cost theorists thought uncertainty and the existence of transaction led to emergence of financial intermediaries, and make them have various functions like reduce transaction costs; eliminate uncertainty and the resulting risk. (Web 1) In the modern market economy, no matter trade of means of consumption or means of production, technical and labour mobility etc., they all have to be achieved by currency transfer and closely with financial markets. In this sense, developments of financial markets have a pivotal role in restricting of the development of the whole market system. Conclusion In conclusion, financial market and financial intermediates exits to guarantee the normal operation of economic activity. Although financial markets and financial intermediaries have very important functions on the healthy development of economic and society, there are some arguments of them. Like the story of  ¿Ã‚ ½Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½blind men touching an elephant ¿Ã‚ ½Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½, someone sees a part of the world, and overstate it, believes that he is the only correct one. In the financial markets, this kind of argument happens every day. Lot of people make decision just based on the information they have exposure to and does not consider the information from other angles. After subprime mortgage crisis, former chairman of the Federal Reserve Alan Greenspan said that  ¿Ã‚ ½Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½we have done the best, but you cannot believe that we know everything and never make mistakes ¿Ã‚ ½Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½forecasting cannot always 100% accurate. ¿Ã‚ ½Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½(Gao mu, 2009) It is can be seen that though th e people wisdom as the characters Greenspan, they make mistake in the view of financial markets. This shows that financial markets are difficult to mastery. To find out a way to forecast financial markets and avoid crisis can be an issue for the whole financial systems.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Motivation in the Classroom Essay -- Teaching Education

Motivation in the Classroom Students want and need work that enables them to demonstrate and improve their sense of themselves as competent and successful human beings. This is the drive toward mastery. But success, while highly valued in our society, can be more or less motivational. People who are highly creative, for example, actually experience failure far more often than success. Biehler (p. 225) claims that studies show that when CAI used in conjunction with a teacher's lessons, is particularly beneficial for low-achieving and young students. Before we can use success to motivate our students to produce high-quality work, we must meet three conditions: 1. We must clearly articulate the criteria for success and provide clear, immediate, and constructive feedback. 2. We must show students that the skills they need to be successful are within their grasp by clearly and systematically modeling these skills. 3. We must help them see success as a valuable aspect of their personalities. All this seems obvious enough, but it is remarkable how often we fail to meet these conditions for our students. Take skills. Can you remember any crucial skills that you felt you did not successfully master because they were not clearly taught? Was it finding themes in literature? Reading and interpreting primary texts? Thinking through nonroutine math problems? Typically, skills like these are routinely assigned or assumed, rather than systematically modeled or practiced by teachers. So how can we help students master such skills? When teaching your students to find themes, for example, deliberately model interpretation. Ask your students to give you a poem you have never seen, and then interpret it both for and with them. If they are reading primary texts, use what we call the "main idea" strategy. Teach them how to find the topic (usually a noun or noun phrase), the main idea (a sentence that states the text's position on the topic), and reasons or evidence to support the main idea. If students are concerned about writer's block, remember that perhaps the most difficult task of a teacher is to teach how to think creatively. In regards to behavior modification it's noted in Biehler(p.237), in the case of primary students there is a possibility that some students will come to realize that the teacher rewards them only when they've done what she... ... arouses intense curiosity? By making sure it features two defining characteristics: the information about a topic is fragmentary or contradictory, and the topic relates to students' personal lives. Students then work together in-groups, retracing the steps scientists took in weighing the available evidence to arrive at an explanation. We have seen student’s work diligently for several days dealing with false hypotheses and red herrings, taking great delight when the solutions begin to emerge. As for topics that relate to students' lives, the connection here cannot be superficial; it must involve an issue or idea that is both manageable and unresolved. We must ask, With what issues are adolescents wrestling? How can we connect them to our curriculum? Figure 1 illustrates some possibilities for adolescents. Bibliography: References Snowman, Jack/Biehler, Robert (2000) Psychology Applied to Teaching Houghton Mifflin Co. Colin, Baker (1996) Foundations of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism Multilingual Matters (pgs 105-143) Cummins, Jim (1996) Negotiating Identities: Education for Empowerment in a Diverse Society California Association for Bilingual Education

Monday, November 11, 2019

Document Imaging and the Role of Health Information Management Essay

An automated record system will ultimately replace paper-based record to provide timely access to health information for health surveillance, resource planning, and health care delivery (e. g. , statistical reports can easily be generated to display health care trends, and so on) (Green & Bowie, 2004). According to Green & Bowie (2004), there are three types of automated record systems, which include: Electronic Health Record (EHR) or computer based patient record (CPR); Electronic Medical Record (EMR); and Optical Disk Imaging or Document Imaging. The high capacity physical media for storage of medical information, the increasing CPU power for processing complex images, and the advancement in the imaging and workflow technology has underpinned the growth of document systems (Armoni, 2000). Optical Disk Imaging or document imaging which provides an alternative to the traditional microfilm or remote storage systems because records are converted to an electronic image and saved on a storage media; optical disk imaging uses laser technology to create the image (Green & Bowie, 2004). Based on Green and Bowie (2004), a scanner is used to capture paper record images onto the storage media allowing for rapid automated retrieval of records. American Management System (AMS) architects an enterprise-wide workflow and imaging solution in support of health information management (HIM), financial services (PFS), and human resources processes (Armoni, 2000). Based on Armoni (2000), the AMS solution has eliminated the paper problem, saved record storage spaces, enhanced the productivity, and reduced labor cost. Most profound is the impact of the HIM management. Many headaches of the paper-based system have been eliminated as one physician user of the system commented, ‘†¦hours-long delays getting the old chart, lost medical record, charts lost, the need to store records off-campus, etc†¦ no longer occur with electronic medical records’ (qtd. n Armoni, 2000). As Armoni stated (2000), physicians are able to make better medical decisions with the system because they can access the patient’s records efficiently and timely from anywhere and at any time; the availability of the files for more than one person is a great advantage with the system; more importantly, the system is able to capture information more accurately, thus reducing the unnecessary errors while increasing the efficiency.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Understanding Diversity In America †Management Essay

Understanding Diversity In America – Management Essay Free Online Research Papers Understanding Diversity In America Management Essay The United States could not have been called the melting pot with out diversity. In most companies there is a variety of people with different cultures, religions, personality traits and many other characteristics that makes them different from one another. The problem with diversity is that every individual person has their own prejudices or stereotypes about certain characteristics another person has and this can cause problems in the workplace Women gain the right to vote in 1920 thanks to their constant fight for women’s rights. It took women time to join the high ranking positions in companies due to the assumptions that men had about what women could do or where they belonged. Introducing women into the work place can create a 0positive impact to other women in subordinate positions. When subordinate women see other women in higher positions, it gives them a goal, it changes the idea that men control everything and they do not have a chance. In the army women have the opportunity to achieve the rank of General, but combat jobs are still closed to women Age is another handicap for the young and the old. I do not mean handicap as a disability but as a disadvantage due to people’s perception of what they can do. Employees without experience are not expected to perform well and are usually not given important tasks. Older employees are usually thought as not being able to be creative or that there ways are old fashioned and do not apply to the newer generations. People’s personalities can set the mood in the office. Some people can brighten the office and relax people and other people can make it uncomfortable to work and make time slow down. Every manager and employee has their own personality traits and people will pick up on them. People with cheerful personalities tend to be easy going and don’t usually give other people a hard time. People with not so cheerful personalities tend to bug people about work. Religion is another personal issue that makes people act in a certain way or others act in a certain way around religious people. In an office situation where employees are in a relax setting and may curse a little, make off color jokes or comments, but they will suddenly change their behavior if a holy roller walks in, because they do not want to offend. Another issue with religious people is that sometimes other employees do not want to be around them because every other word is God or Jesus and most people do not talk that way. Due to ignorance certain people act different around Muslims since the September 11 attacks, because they relate terrorist with Muslim. There are many characteristics that make people different and managers have the responsibility to try to educate his or her employees with videos, briefings or pamphlets to make them understand what makes them different. Once employees understand that they should treat each other as they want to be treated, the better the c limate in the company will be. REFERENCES Schermerhorn, J, Hunt, J, Osborn, R. (2005). Organizational Behavior. New Jersey: John Wiley Sons, Inc. Poynter Online. (2005) Diversity. Retrieved September 20, 2005, from Research Papers on Understanding Diversity In America - Management EssayThe Fifth HorsemanResearch Process Part OnePersonal Experience with Teen Pregnancy19 Century Society: A Deeply Divided EraNever Been Kicked Out of a Place This NiceTwilight of the UAWThe Project Managment Office SystemInfluences of Socio-Economic Status of Married MalesAnalysis of Ebay Expanding into AsiaMarketing of Lifeboy Soap A Unilever Product

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Medieval Medicine Essays

Medieval Medicine Essays Medieval Medicine Essay Medieval Medicine Essay When we hear the word medicine, doesnt that imply it is a remedy to cure a sickness or disease? Medicine is used to restore our faith, hope, and most importantly, our lives. For hundreds of years, medicine has been known to cure many people including those who had barely an ounce of life left. However, as the Middle Ages progressed, medieval medicine became popular among people even though it was killing them instead of healing them. One example is the Black Death. As this horrible disease was spreading rapidly in Central Asia and Europe in the 1320s, thousands of people were dying and were in need of help. Some practices of medieval medicine were Phlebotomy, or bloodletting; which consisted of leeching, cupping, and venesection. (Livingston) Although patients often died because of infections, the loss of consciousness, and cutting of arteries, which caused unstoppable bleeding, many physicians believed this was a method of surgery. In leeching, the physician would attach an annelid worm to the effected area and allow the leech to do its job. With the cupping method, when the cup was heated hot enough, it acted like a vacuum and sucked the blood up through the skin. For venesection, it was the direct opening of a vein, generally on the inside of the arm, for the draining of a substantial quantity of blood. (Livingston) The process of bloodletting was from an idea that blood was to be drawn from a specific vein so it would affect a particular organ. As previously mentioned the basis of most medical knowledge at the time came from Galens Theory of the Four Humours. The theory was that the body comprised of 4 major elements. These were Blood, Black Bile, Yellow Bile and Phlegm. It was understood that if these were not in perfect balance then the body would suffer and the patient would be ill, leading to one of the four conditions which were being Melancholy, Phlegmatic, Choleric or Sanguine. 4 To restore the patient to full health it was understood that these four elements needed to be rebalanced. This generally occurred by purging of the patient, more commonly known as Bloodletting. This could be done in three ways. Opening of a vein, which often lead to the patient bleeding to death; Cupping, which was just piercing the skin and collecting a small amount of blood in a cup; or the use of Leeches. The phrase Leech was Anglo-Saxon for healer. 5 A patient could also be purged via the use of natural laxatives. 6 Medical knowledge initially developed differently throughout the world. The Arabs were leaders at the time in medicines and herbal remedies. They adhered to the teachings of Galen and Hippocrates, but were also infamous for being fore-runners in the testing of new medicines. This was largely because of the fact that the Koran taught Muslims to take care of their fellow ill man, yet prohibited dissection, so the Arabs could only really advance in the field of medicine. At the same time the Indians and Chinese were rapidly becoming infamous for their advanced Surgery techniques. By 1300 the Indians had developed a form of Skin graft called the Indian Graft which is still in use of today. At the same time the Chinese had developed advanced forms of acupuncture to help alleviate pain. By approximately 1400 due to trade routes stretching from the far east all the way to Europe, medicines and medical procedures were becoming very centralised due to the growing ease at which knowledge was being spread. Physicians of the time were taught in the growing number of Universities spread across Europe. Primarily the Universities were focussed in Northern Italy and Southern Spain but there were 2 Universities in England, one in Oxford and one in Cambridge. Despite they were still very few and far between and qualified physicians were very rare commodities. Because of this they charged large fees and were generally only accessible to the higher classes. 10 During a physicians training, he would never actually come into direct contact with a patient. All they would learn would be the works of Galen and how to treat a patients as opposed to understanding the nature of the patients ailment. There were some exceptions to this such as the medical school in Bologna, which became infamous for the fact that it specialised in hands on teaching of surgery. 11 The average commoner only had access to medical knowledge via two different routes. Firstly there was the Barber Surgeon, who would arrive in a town each market day. He would be able to perform basic tasks such as the pulling of teeth, setting of bones and amputations. This would generally take place on the street surrounded by viewers and all the filth that accrued in the street. As you can imagine this wasnt a particularly clean process, and barber surgeons were infamous for spreading of germs and disease through the use of infected equipment. This use of dirty equipment also lead to high numbers of people surgeries becoming infected. The second option the commoner would have would be to visit a local wise woman. This would often be a learned older lady who had a fair grasp of various medicines. She could recommend treatments depending on the ailment according to ancient books known as Leechdoms; which would have lists of medicines dating back as far as Anglo Saxon times. A problem many Wise Women faced was if their medicines did not work, then they were open to the accusation of witchcraft. 12 Medical knowledge at the time was split into three main fields. These were Medicine, Surgery and Bloodletting. Medicine was chiefly made up of Herbs and Animals; however there was some use of minerals too, such as Ash. Most knowledge of medicine recipes at the time was written down in ancient texts, often dating back as far as Galen. Obviously medicine was a continually improving field, with most advancement taking place in the Arabic world as previously mentioned. Most of the older remedies generally appeared to have no logical reason, yet people believed in them due to the fact they had been written down and lasted for so long. An example of this is John of Arderne, who recommended that someone who suffered from Epilepsy should have the crumbs of a roasted Cuckoo blown up their nose as a cure. 13 Surgery in this period was very gradual in terms of its advance. This was largely down to the fact that Western Religion (Catholicism) was against the practice of dissection. Because of this fact very few were prepared to take the risk of finding out more about the human body. An example of one person who did have a good grasp of specialist surgery is an Italian Physician called Mondino Di Luzzi, who became much respected in the world of Medicine. 14 It wasnt really until the fifteenth century that surgery began to advance more rapidly as the church realised it was essential to allow further study into the human anatomy. Most surgical knowledge of the time however, was picked up in the field of battle. This was due to the high number of sustained casualties that doctors had to deal with. The main issue surrounding surgery at the time was the lack of an efficient anaesthetic. This lead to Surgery generally being the last form of action taken against any ailment. People such as John of Arderne did try to develop useful anaesthetics using such things as opium and heroin, but these rarely worked and generally a patient had to be tied down or held down whilst a physician worked on them. As you can imagine this lead to a drastically high number of patients dieing from shock. 15 Bloodletting at the time was a favourite procedure of most physicians. This was because, and I quote It clears the mind, strengthens the memory, cleanses the guts, dries up the brain, warms the marrow, sharpens the hearing and curbs tears.. Promotes Digestion, produces a musical voice, dispels sleepiness, drives away anxiety, feeds the bloods, rids it of poisonous matters and gives long life.. it cures pains, fevers and various sicknesses and makes urine clear and clean16 As you can see with physicians genuinely believing all of this, then bloodletting seemed the miracle cure for almost any ailment. Due to the high use of bloodletting it became a precise science and there were tens of various bloodletting points all over the body. Various illnesses corresponded with a certain bloodletting point. 17 Despite the advances in medical understanding there was still a real belief in the supernatural. Religion played a big part. Many people saw that an illness was the punishment of God and that only God could lift this punishment from the people. In times of severe illness such as the plague religious extremism was rife, with groups such as the flagellans walking from town to town whipping themselves and asking forgiveness from God. 18 Also because of the belief in Illness being the will of God, many religious leaders saw advances in the medical field as heresy. The only medical knowledge the church officially recognised was the writing of Galen. They renounced anything else. This ultimately lead to the church hindering rather than helping their people. 19 Another aspect that played a large part in Medicine was Astrology. It was taken very seriously at the time as a rapidly advancing science. There was a genuine belief that the movement of the planets affected someones physical state. It was believed that you could only operate on someone when their planets were in the correct alignment and it was certainly impossible to ever operate when the moon was in conjunction with a persons particular star sign. All major physicians would consult an Astrologist prior to carry out any treatment. 20 Partly, I believe to distribute the blame if it all went wrong. Superstition also played a part in religion in many ways at the time, as superstition stills plays a part nowadays. In fourteenth Century Europe it was genuinely believed that whether a person would live or die could be determined by placing a bird of prey at the end of their bed. If the bird looked at them then they would live, if the bird looked away, the patient would die. 21 During this particular period there was approximately 1200 hospitals in England and Wales. However only about 10% actually cared for the sick. Most hospitals were actually set up to care for the elderly, poor or lepers, but they didnt actually offer any particular medical help. People who were suffering from an infectious disease never were permitted into a hospital in the fear that they may quickly infect the other hospital patients. The primary role of Hospitals at the time was to allow rest and the administration of medicine as opposed to actually trying to cure someones illness. Hospitals of the time were often very religious and were generally runs by Nuns who acted as nurses, although you could have common women working in them as lay-nurses. In most wards you would find an alter at which to pray. Usually you would be praying for the person who has funded the hospital. 22 Its interesting to note that established Hospitals only began to appear in western Europe around the high middle ages. Hospitals as an idea were not new and had been used by the Romans and even as far back as Sri Lankans around 500BC. 23 Finally its relevant to point out that women were common in Medieval medicine despite not being accepted into other fields at the time. However they were not allowed to become qualified physicians and only really were permitted to practice on other women and children, primarily in the role of a midwife. There were some exceptions to this rule as early as the eleventh century in the famous school of Salerno which sanctioned women to learn and practice medicine on the same level as men. The reason this was permitted is as follows In the fourteenth and fifteenth century, women did practice in the city [Salerno]. Women do, in fact, seem to have been tolerated in medical practice as in no other profession. One reason for such tolerance is that caring for the sick was regarded as charity and came within the scope of those who were in orders, nuns as well as monks. 24 To conclude it can be seen that medicine of the time was quite primitive, yet there was some degree of understanding of the body and advances were made, if nothing else than via the method of trial and error. Medicine continued to advance slowly, but not for another 500 years did medicine really start to resemble the medical world we see of today.

Monday, November 4, 2019

Personal skills development( study skills and book review) Essay

Personal skills development( study skills and book review) - Essay Example Some of the effective study skills that I learnt from different resources and also applied to my learning process include note taking, time management, active listening, revision planning, preparing answers for the exams etc. Almost every day, I encounter such situations where I find the implication of these techniques within my study premises and apply the appropriate technique to handle the situation in more effective manner. For instance, today I have to write to complete the weekly assignment that is to write an essay upon any topic of my own interest. The guidelines provided by Barret et al (2008, p169) help me a lot in completing this task. The researchers explain basic steps of essay writing and I follow these steps. After deciding the main topic, I analyzed its title and main thesis and then proceed towards collecting material for the essay. During the reading, I take noted and plan the structure of my essay. After writing the essay, I proofread and edit it to assure it is perfect structure wise and deliver my intended tone. In this way, I use a study technique and succeed to write a well organize essay following simple and helpful steps of essay writing. The day was very busy and I was feeling too much tired and pressurized because there is little time left to appear in the exams and there are lot of things to do. At this point, I use my time management skills that I learnt from the reading of Marks-Beal (2009, p45). At first, I listed out the tasks that I have to complete before the exams and then arranged these tasks according to first priority. After that I made the plan to start working on these tasks one by one. There were some writing projects and I have also to read certain books and other material to prepare for answering exams questions. I started with the reading and keep on taking notes that later help me during the writing work. There were too many things to do in short time and I started feeling

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Legal memoranda Research Proposal Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Legal memoranda - Research Proposal Example The episode has also attracted class action for damages under ss 82 of the Trade Practices Act by a number of customers, led by the Pharmacists Association of Australia. Can any agreed statement of facts between DIARCOR and the ACCC be used as evidence against DIARCOR in any subsequent civil damages proceedings that its former clients may be seeking to bring against it Any agreed statement of facts between DIARCOR and the ACCC is bound to cover issues that the former clients of DIARCOR may be seeking to bring against the latter. It is difficult to predict with certainty whether the statement of fact could be used as evidence by aggrieved clients. It depends on the nature and extent of punitive measures ACCC metes out to DIARCOR. It also depends on the contents of the statement of facts and the court's verdict. As statutory authority, ACCC is in the right position to consider damages under ss 45, 45A and 82 of the Trade Practices Act and submit a proposal to the court that must assuage the grievances of the clients besides settling with a deterrent fine for DIARCOR. (Focus on Competition Law July 2001) The statement of facts is not a single format. It comes in various forms. Ideally, statement of facts must leave no scope for dispute. However, this is not possible all the time. In some cases, there may be certain points of dispute or contention where the two parties have agreed to disagree for the time being, or which a statutory authority like ACCC has allowed to be left pending due to insufficient time or data with an undertaking to wrap up the pending issues within a certain time limit. (Preparation for Hearing) There is also the issue that DIARCOR cannot be tried two or more times for the same offence. The relevant factors that the Court will take into account when assessing the quantum of the pecuniary penalty The main charge against DIARCOR, DISY and CALENDEX is that they have been involved in the nefarious activity of price fixing for quite some time. The managing director of DIARCOR has informed that they have been involved in the price fixing cartel for about five years. The price fixing arrangements were done verbally in secret rendezvous so that they do not leave any paper trial. The court will rely on circumstantial evidence in the absence of material proof. The court will also go into the enormity of the contraventions under ss 45, 45A and 82 of the Trade Practices Act 1974. Under these subsections, the court will examine the extent of gains made by unfair means by the price fixing cartel under ss 45, evidence of the price fixing charges regardless of any loss to competition under ss 45A, and losses and/or damages suffered by competition due to the cartel and the quantum of penalties to be imposed on the cartel as fines under ss 45 and 45A (Local Government and the Trade Practices Act), and recoveries for loss suffered on behalf of the competition